Screenlogic not recognizing Pump

Welcome to the forum.

Try pushing the RESET button on the Easytouch panel. It is like rebooting a computer. It will not disrupt your settings, schedules, etc. Let us know if that clears it.

Two things to try..

1. Using ScreenLogic, turn on a pool light. Then go out to the pool and confirm that the light is actually on. Then turn off the pool light using the buttons on the EasyTouch, and see of the pool light icon in ScreenLogic is now off.

2. When in the Auto mode, (Not Service mode) go look at the pump and see of the pump's display says "Display not Active".. it should

Please let me know what you find,

Jim R.
I hope the above answers solve your problem. After a lightning strike nearby my system did the same thing just after it was installed. To get the system running I had to replace the motherboards in my easytouch, and intellichem and completely replace the controller for the pump as well as my screenlogic brick which was fried.
My brick system was hardwired to the oudoor components and I think the comm line was the overload culprit. I disconnected the hardwired connection and switched to the wifi wireless comm system. It has always worked and I have not had a problem since.
Hope your solution is easier and far less expensive. My system was under warranty at the time and pentair sold me the replacement parts at a reasonable price.
Also see the following recent thread. It's possible that your RS-485 com port was damaged. Can you still run the pump from it's control panel?

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