Salt Water Reading is Low

I have an Aquarite salt water generator. The salt water reading is coming in at 400. I've tested the water and the reading is around 2900. I've cleaned out the salt cell, replaced the thermistor and still no improvement in the salt reading.

Here are the Aquarite measurements.

r 1.58
C - 15
26.6 (when generating chlorine), 31.6 (when chlorine turned off)
1.41(when generating chlorine), 0 (when chlorine turned off)


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Chlorine keeps coming out of solution

Chlorine does not come out of solution in a pool. Whatever you are seeing, it's not that.
So what could it be? The only time i end up with white powder on the bottom of my pool is after i shock my pool. I vacuum it out and there is nothing for a few days until i add sodium hypochlorite at which point i end up with white powder on the bottom again.

Now it might not be chlorine but I assume it is a side effect of the addition of "chlorine" and is sodium/calcium/something coming out of solution.

Chlorine keeps coming out of solution

Welcome! Pool store testing is somewhat of a joke around here as youve found out. Heres a link to teo test kits TFP recommends and why.

I usually use this (Taylor Technologies K-2005 Pool Test Kit) but i am out of drops so had to settle on LPS.

With that Is the assumption that the LPS is just wrong my TC/FC are higher then they are reading at? or is there something else going on?

Is it possible to have too much decking?

Actually, there can be too much deck. The residential lots in my county have impervious surface limits. My county upper limits is 30% but individual towns or neighborhood can have stricter limits.
We do too but I’m well within those limits. My portion of the state has pretty loose limits compared to those that feed the Chesapeake.

Is my calcium to low?

FYI check your local pool stores. Mine sell calcium chloride in bulk for around $1/lb.
Wow! That is much cheaper than I have been paying. I'll check that out. Thanks!

Yes, get your CH around 300 by adding calcium chloride.

Ok, will do. What will happen if I let it get low? Heavy rain always washes it out.

Yes, get your CH around 300 by adding calcium chloride.

Yes, get your CH around 300 by adding calcium chloride.

FC and pH Struggle

Sorry, I meant 118 on the calcium.

I rechecked pool math and the pool size is set correctly. We've been adding the amount of liquid chlorine it has been stating and it hasn't gone up. It doesn't seem like enough to us either but we also don't want to guess and just keep adding.
Try adding one gallon and test it 15min later. That should add 6.7ppm FC. Is the water clear?

Note, your pool will likely consume 2 liters per day once summer hits full speed.

Chlorine keeps coming out of solution

Hello All,

I live in massachusetts and opened my above ground pool two weekends ago and have been having trouble ever since. My water parameters are as follows.

My pool keeps telling me that I have no Chlorine so I shock my pool. I have tried Calcium Hypochlorite powder(Leslie's Power Powder Plus) and it does not dissolve within my pool and just sinks to the bottom. At first i took a few days of brushing it up but nothing so i had to vacuum to waste to get rid of it. However my FC/TC stayed low so i tried dissolving the Calcium Hypochlorite powder in water before adding to my pool but yet again within hours it was out of solution on the bottom of the pool, leading to vacuuming it to waste. This morning i tried to use liquid sodium hypochlorite and when i came home it was 3 hours later it was all out of solution on the bottom of my pool and had to vacuum to waste again. I did add a gallon of this ({19633443798}&utm_content={146627513038}_{646800927296}&utm_term={}&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxqayBhDFARIsAANWRnTXwL6TaVyhOugzF04BJBg7e1n8LL3o85gxtHjIBqCDyD2Xn73c_ZYaAnErEALw_wcB) to try to raise CyA.

I will say i use the test strips and my Chlorine levels look high so I am not sure if the LPS's water tester is broken for chlorine levels as I have no idea why my readings are low but the chlorine keeps coming out of solution. any help would be greatly appreciated

pH - 7.7
Alk - 106 ppm
CyA - 10 ppm
FAC - 0.2 ppm
TAC - 0.4 ppm
Hardness - 350 ppm

24 ft round above ground pool. 15,000 gallon Hayward DE filter with pump.
Welcome! Pool store testing is somewhat of a joke around here as youve found out. Heres a link to teo test kits TFP recommends and why.

New Member in SoCal

Hi and welcome to TFP! I have an idea! How about having BOTH of them at that end of the pool? Push the spa away from the house and put the shelf beside it. SO many good reasons to do this:
-Best of both worlds by having them both there for the reasons you stated above.
-I worry about the bench on either side of the shelf. See people will come running out of the house to jump in the pool and they might not make a big enough jump and land on the benches.
-It will be neat to be able to go from the spa to the shelf as wanted. The shelf can serve as the entry to the pool.

Just something to think about.

Chlorine keeps coming out of solution

Hello All,

I live in massachusetts and opened my above ground pool two weekends ago and have been having trouble ever since. My water parameters are as follows.

My pool keeps telling me that I have no Chlorine so I shock my pool. I have tried Calcium Hypochlorite powder(Leslie's Power Powder Plus) and it does not dissolve within my pool and just sinks to the bottom. At first i took a few days of brushing it up but nothing so i had to vacuum to waste to get rid of it. However my FC/TC stayed low so i tried dissolving the Calcium Hypochlorite powder in water before adding to my pool but yet again within hours it was out of solution on the bottom of the pool, leading to vacuuming it to waste. This morning i tried to use liquid sodium hypochlorite and when i came home it was 3 hours later it was all out of solution on the bottom of my pool and had to vacuum to waste again. I did add a gallon of this ( to try to raise CyA.

I will say i use the test strips and my Chlorine levels look high so I am not sure if the LPS's water tester is broken for chlorine levels as I have no idea why my readings are low but the chlorine keeps coming out of solution. any help would be greatly appreciated

pH - 7.7
Alk - 106 ppm
CyA - 10 ppm
FAC - 0.2 ppm
TAC - 0.4 ppm
Hardness - 350 ppm

24 ft round above ground pool. 15,000 gallon Hayward DE filter with pump.

Resurfacing Pool - Hollow Spots

How long ago was the pool originally plastered?
6.5yrs ago. But as it turns out, the company who he uses for the material (not diamond brite brand) supposedly had some bad batches that year and the material is being replaced under warranty.
You want a complete chipout using flat chisels, not pointed.

You do not want a lazy chipout that may be good enough.

Meaning he should remove ALL the diamond brite?


So I opened yesterday. The pool was a murky mess as is typical. Started a SLAM today and did some brushing/ vacuuming. It’s clearing up so I tossed in my robot to help get leaves and speed stuff up. I can’t see the bottom at this point.

I pulled up the robot and there is a rather clean 6-7 in spine from something in the basket, likely a rabbit possibly a bird frankly I am not sure.

Where there is a spine there is prolly a head and teeth or nails and ribs etc. I don’t want to get a head stuck in a line or a tooth in a liner. I assume just filtration and sanitization will address the rest of the creature in time. Any suggestion on how to deal with potential bones and or the rest of this animal situation?

Should a new WhisperFlo VST work with an Easytouch panel from 2011?


It sounds like you have ticked off all the items necessary for the pump to run..

If your EasyTouch shows pump type and speeds then it sounds like it should be able to control the pump??

The only thing I can think of is that the EasyTouch wants the pump to have an RS-485 address of #1.. I suspect that the default is #1, but maybe someone changed it..

Look on page 8 of your pump manual and confirm the address is set to #1.. (This is inside the pump, and has nothing to do with the EasyTouch showing Pump #1..)

Also, on the pump, the Ext Control light must be OFF and the Start/Stop light must be ON..


Jim R.
