C-19 Vaccine-I got one

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every vaccine is not 100% effective. But, for those who get Covid after the vaccine tend ot have much milder symptoms if any symptoms at all.
*exactly*. Look no further than the flu. Many many people catch it after the flu shot yet it’s well known to hit softer if they still get it.
Tell your husband that we are all pulling for him. Don't be upset at him. Unfortunately, being an engineer who analyzes data routinely, one thing I can legitimately tell you is that you can not prove a negative. We've had the entire world trying to do it for the last year and a half or so, and unfortunately when you take politics and emotion out of it, you still can't.

I am relatively high risk-- like I tick almost all the boxes in age and medical reasons. I took Moderna, had a bad reaction to shot one and none to two, unlike just about everyone else. My wife and daughter did too (daughter with Pfizer). (This likely means that likely we had it before.. Most of my kids and I had a bad flu in 11/2019 with unspecified viral pneumonia at the time, but never had to be hospitalized. Again I can't prove it, and it was just before the official timeline started, so I'd be told I am full of it anyway.) My adult boys refused. Yes the ones mentioned below.

You can't prove the "you will have a milder case" after the vaccine either, as that also is trying to prove a negative. The best you can do is try to do statistical analysis to see if a group is that way (though a control group is needed too), but even then you can't rule out improvements in treatment, whatever herd immunity is actually out there, etc. in better results over time. There are too many dependent events to clearly say this.

Recently, we had a round of what I think was Delta go through our neighborhood and house, and I am pretty sure I got a breakthrough case despite being vaccinated a few weeks ago. It was mild enough that once I tested all four of my kids, two were positive, mine was already negative-- but I had the same symptoms. Maybe a little milder. I thought it was seasonal allergies at the time because it hit at the right time of year for that, but on retrospect it was worse. So, would have it been worse if I hadn't been vaccinated? Maybe? No one can ever know unfortunately. The boys were slightly worse and it lasted a few days longer, but again, nothing to prove here.

We are at the point of being endemic with this virus and actually already at the point of having the spike protein evolve enough to evade the mRNA generated antibodies enough that the current vaccines are legitimately in question at this point. That had never been a point of debate with flu vaccines, so I don't really get the debate with the COVID-19 vaccines. This is predictable.

Don't beat up on him too badly. Respect his decision and hope he comes out of this stronger (which is likely honestly). Nothing is black and white, especially not this. "I told you so" will NOT help your husband.

For the general population Omnicron looks like it might actually be a blessing since it looks like evolution is turning this back into a cold. It might get us to the endemic "herd" immunity we need, if such a thing actually is real.

We will keep him in our thoughts and prayers. Best of luck to you and your husband.
I would never beat him up over this. I just want him to get through it. As my Dad would say, it is what it is. I'll continue to stand by him n give him the best personal care I can n hopefully heck come out of this stronger. It's scary. I've never in my life seen someone so sick.
I think I gave it to him. I was doubled out n not feeling well n on my day 3 he felt like Crud. Mine lasted 3-4 days total. He's still struggling greatly. I had 2 doses of Pfizer. I was hot n cold. Then cold. I felt run down but i was doubled out. Then a little sinus pressure n it was over after i slept for 12 straight hours.
Most of my kids and I had a bad flu in 11/2019 with unspecified viral pneumonia at the time, but never had to be hospitalized. Again I can't prove it, and it was just before the official timeline started, so I'd be told I am full of it anyway.)
While not commonly given, there is a blood test that can differentiate the antibodies from the vaccine and naturally acquired thru illness. It's mainly used in research settings from what I can tell.
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I think I gave it to him. I was doubled out n not feeling well n on my day 3 he felt like Crud. Mine lasted 3-4 days total. He's still struggling greatly. I had 2 doses of Pfizer. I was hot n cold. Then cold. I felt run down but i was doubled out. Then a little sinus pressure n it was over after i slept for 12 straight hours.
Also, don't beat yourself up for thinking you gave it to your husband. You can never document that so as I always say as well - it is what it is - now focus on getting him and yourself through this. I am sure your world is turned upside down right now. We are all praying for both of you in this time of need.
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I guess I’m in the minority here on this one. I know a couple people who died shortly after getting one of the covid vaccines (not sure which one) so I’m not ready to risk it. A few different friends that are physicians are 50/50 split on its safety.
I know a couple people who died shortly after getting one of the covid vaccines (not sure which one) so I’m not ready to risk it.
I'll call you out on this, I don't believe you for a moment. There's been virtually zero complications due to the vaccine that have lead to death and the odds that you would personally know not one, but two people is so astronomical that winning the lottery 5x in a row is more believable.
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Sorry, but I call total Bull Feathers on that one.

Do you have any proof of what you said?

Jim R.
Wasn’t interested in ruffling feathers, just sharing experience. What kind of proof would be acceptable? I can only say one of them was a healthy late 20’s guy who got vaccinated because he got a new job and it was a requirement back where I lived in San Jose. About a week later his mother found him dead with bleeding from multiple places on his body. I don’t have an autopsy or proof he died from the covid vaccine but it’s coincidental enough for me to be concerned.
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I'll call you out on this, I don't believe you for a moment. There's been virtually zero complications due to the vaccine that have lead to death and the odds that you would personally know not one, but two people is so astronomical that winning the lottery 5x in a row is more believable.
Technically you’re correct. The second guy was fully vaccinated with a booster and died of covid about a week after getting it and being on a ventilator, he didn’t pass away of the vaccine. Incidentally he got on a plane from Knoxville to southern CA barely being able to stand up and went to the emergency room when they landed in CA. My friend tried to warn the airline that he was sick and tested positive for covid and he said they told him they couldn’t do anything because it was just hearsay. He lasted about a week before he died.

I’m not sure where you get the idea about there being virtually zero complications due to the vaccine. There have been several countries that have banned one of them because of complications, and there’s plenty of news reports about myocarditis and blood clots. It’s not really a secret that the vaccines come with some risk and some people have died because of them. The question is whether the risk is worthwhile. In my particular case it is not. For others it may be worth the risk. I just wish people could have more civil discussions about the risks and benefits.
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Wasn’t interested in ruffling feathers, just sharing experience. What kind of proof would be acceptable? I can only say one of them was a healthy late 20’s guy who got vaccinated because he got a new job and it was a requirement back where I lived in San Jose. About a week later his mother found him dead with bleeding from multiple places on his body. I don’t have an autopsy or proof he does from the covid vaccine but it’s coincidental enough for me to be concerned.
There are what.... like 200 million fully vaccinated in the US alone? If these deaths you speak of were anything more than coincidence, and there was some link, the numbers of people dying from the vaccine would be astronomical. Consider that almost 800,000 people reportedly have died from Covid and not nearly as many Covid cases as vaccinated people. Based on the math, I think I'll roll the dice on the shots. I have a lot more faith in the likes of Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J, and the US and EU approval processes, than whatever Chinese lab cooked up this virus.
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Let’s make sure we keep in mind TFP is a pool website……..not a punch-them-in-the-face-and-call-them-bad-names website. If arguing about Covid is on your list of things to do tonight, may I suggest visiting this website instead where arguing about stuff is their speciality. We’re all pulling for you and your husband @Casey, regardless if we opted to get a shot or not.

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There are what.... like 200 million fully vaccinated in the US alone? If these deaths you speak of were anything more than coincidence, and there was some link, the numbers of people dying from the vaccine would be astronomical.

Why do you think that? I’m certainly not saying the vaccine is dangerous to large amounts of people. It’s pretty plain that lots of people have had it and are not dead yet. It’s just that for a smaller number of people that do die from it, it’s pretty heartbreaking.
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*exactly*. Look no further than the flu. Many many people catch it after the flu shot yet it’s well known to hit softer if they still get it.
The flu shot is a mix of the previous years 3 strains in Europe . Just because you and I have gotten the shot doesn't mean you can't get another strain.
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Just because you and I have gotten the shot doesn't mean you can't get another strain
True that. And maybe it’s following suit now with Covid. Eventually there will probably be just as many strains floating around, but the point was that vaccinated people find themselves in the hospital at a less percentage than unvaccinated folks. They are also dying at a smaller percentage than those that were not vaccinated.

This is fact and not a feeling.

May someone have underlying conditions, possibly not even known yet, that still results in an extreme case or death ? Of course it’s possible. Nobody can control their physiology. But the masses sure can give themselves every chance possible.
For those of you who are unvaccinated, it would be prudent to read the following information and have the elements of the I+MASK protocol handy and available in the event you start to feel symptoms of the virus:
Taking a vaccine or any other therapeutic or medical treatment is a very personal decision and should be the result of a consultation with your doctor.

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