How to flatten wrinkles in floor?

Toilet plunger! Get some water in there to help make it warmer (sun shining on small amount of water will heat up pretty good) and to help the plunger to grab the vinyl. Start in the middle and move in a circle out towards the walls. The plunger will help lift the floor up a bit so you can use your feet to help move it a towards the walls.

It might take a bit of trying to see what works best to move the floor. Good luck and make sure to share your experience so others can learn from you!

You need to get on it while the sun is shining before they become permanent. Another thing that will be helpful is if someone else is in the pool while you are working the plunger. As you lift that part they could be pushing/kicking the side of the pool you are heading towards.
You need to get on it while the sun is shining before they become permanent. Another thing that will be helpful is if someone else is in the pool while you are working the plunger. As you lift that part they could be pushing/kicking the side of the pool you are heading towards.
Permanent? They can become permanent? NOOOOO! I wanted to leave the pool empty without that last inch of water that made it all so grody.
GRRR. Lesson learned the hard way. The bottom of the liner now has a kajillion little cracks. Should not have removed that last inch or so of water. Don't know whether it was some change in the composition of the liner from drying or if it was just all the movement of it when the wind blew.
@Vince-1961 , can you put your wood posts inside the big loop (not the leg loop obviously) of the pool liner side and use the frame to "stretch" the floor back out?
I thought about putting the legs inside the white band (big loop), but then thought that would be bad once pool is full. I like the toilet plunger idea though.

In shopping for a new liner, I came across an image of a Coleman brand round AGP with the same white band as Intex, except the marketing image showed the legs inside the band, which tells me that Intex has the loops just to keep the legs at that location for ease of erection. I'm going to put the legs inside the loop on the rebuild.
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I had a good system when setting up AG. After building and before pouring any water in lift the legs on cinder blocks. then start filling with water slowly. Have someone inside pushing the wrinkles with their feet. After the first inch of water you can start removing cinder blocks evenly across the pool while still filling. This takes care of the wrinkles every time for me.

In shopping for a new liner, I cam across an image of a Coleman brand round AGP with the same white band as Intex, except the marketing image showed the legs inside the band, which tells me that Intex has the loops just to keep the legs at that location for ease of erection. I'm going to put the legs inside the loop on the rebuild.
Awesome, the other reason for the legs inside the loop, is kick-out protection, if a swimmer inadvertently pushed against the leg, it wouldn't collapse
I had a good system when setting up AG. After building and before pouring any water in lift the legs on cinder blocks. then start filling with water slowly. Have someone inside pushing the wrinkles with their feet. After the first inch of water you can start removing cinder blocks evenly across the pool while still filling. This takes care of the wrinkles every time for me.

Awesome idea Felipe. Thanks.
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I had a good system when setting up AG. After building and before pouring any water in lift the legs on cinder blocks. then start filling with water slowly. Have someone inside pushing the wrinkles with their feet. After the first inch of water you can start removing cinder blocks evenly across the pool while still filling. This takes care of the wrinkles every time for me.

I will have to remember that one, sounds like it would work good. In the past I just got in and used my feet to get it stretched out and then start filling and keep smoothing out the wrinkles. Has worked twice for me this way.
I had a good system when setting up AG. After building and before pouring any water in lift the legs on cinder blocks. then start filling with water slowly. Have someone inside pushing the wrinkles with their feet. After the first inch of water you can start removing cinder blocks evenly across the pool while still filling. This takes care of the wrinkles every time for me.

Well I tried it with about 2 inches of water. It would have worked really well if I had elevated it twice as much so that the water would have run straight to the middle. At this elevation is followed the contour of the ground. Still got one wrinkles that I don't know how to get out. Will filling it further work?


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Filling it more will only make it harder, you have to go back, drain maybe 1 or 11/2 inches and raise more. Only raise it where the wrinkle is closest to post. Great work.

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