New Pool Build - Northern California

All our equipment, plumbing and electrical is done - so when my fence guy finishes our last fence today and I complete the last safety gate this weekend we should be ready for our Pre-Plaster inspection on Monday!

Then it is a long 3 day wait until the plaster guys show up...

Looks like if things go to plan we will have water in exactly 1 week!!!
So I worked most of the morning and into the afternoon on our gates and fences. The main fence is now done, and most of the gate I am taking on is now done.


Here is a photo of one of the new gates, and how it looked this morning - I am working on finishing the gate part this afternoon. I am still waiting to finish the side fencing Sunday morning.
And just a few hours later the gate opening is done, and the rest of the framing is taking shape. Hopefully it passes inspection Monday.

- - - Updated - - -

Our new fence looks very good.

We were thinking about a more linear design -but our neighbor and fence builder both liked the style now shown - so who am I to disagree.

Perfect fence for your house and pool area - you really have your signature on style! I mean this in the most complimentary way. You've done such a good job on it all. The wood is beautiful! Did you say what it is? I love it! Will it require sealing to keep the color or is it already stained?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your inspection tomorrow - Monday!!
We sort of passed our inspection.

Immediately the inspector didn't want to pass us, unless we had the Auto Safety cover installed, as our barrier wasn't complete. After talking him down a little, and having him speak to the pool builder, he relented as water is only going to be in the pools for 1 night before they could come inspect again...

He passed the gates, fences and electrical - he did ask for the filter motor breaker to be changed out to a GFCI breaker.

I had worked until dark last night, and early this morning putting up the frame of our pergola just in case they had any questions about the strange metal posts sticking out of our retaining walls.

He did have a few interesting questions that seemed to be leading - I kind of caught what he was fishing for and answered in the way that seemed to satisfy him. He had some questions about fence heights on some existing back fences and other things - he even pointed out a piece of pressure treated wood on a set of stairs that the end grain wasn't re-coated. I reminded him that the stairs were already there and not part of this permit! He started out pretty argumentative and by the end I think I had him pretty happy with our situation. This was the same inspector we had on our first inspection that created our additional delays. He told me this is only the second pool he has inspected in the city.

So we are set and scheduled for plaster on Thrusday - plaster completion scheduled for Friday, and water fill to start on Friday night...

Below are some photos. Our new fence and gate are made from redwood - the current wood is unstained, we are going to just let it grey and weather. I tried to keep a similar section of fence sealed and stained in the past, and it is just too much work to keep it looking good. So at this point it is staying o'natural.

Here is the completed gate with the self closing hinges and safety latch.

Our pergola raw materials

The pergola starting to get framed up


The electrical lines are set to head inside one of the legs of the pergola. I was worried the inspector would start questioning this section, so I wanted it to be exposed and visible in case there were any issues.


Our equipment and panel are all hooked up - we will build a short fence behind the panel in the next few days.


I am thinking of using some of the river rock, like others on here have done, in front of the equipment pad to give water a place to drain off easily.

It looks like we will get plastered tomorrow as planned. Currently a crew is here cleaning up the pool & pressure washing it. So we are almost at the last step!!!

I know others here have been rescheduled and delayed at the last minute, but we are hopeful that all of our delays are over. We had plenty of delays already, so it is nice to see things progress as scheduled for a change.

Water on Friday ??? !!!

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Lets not be beating up on the inspector here -- he passed you on to the next stage even though you did not comply. I know plenty of inspectors who would have said no. As you point out there are not to many pools in Santa Cruz so he is going down his list making sure he does things right. I fight with inspectors (usually the supervisor) on a fairly regular basis -- and I have to concede they are generally correct. Most of the time reasonable folks can work it out if there is a problem. The vast majority are trying to do it right and are generally reasonable guys. What comes off as arrogance at first may just be unfamiliarity with the pool inspection process.

Pool inspections in California are very straight forward -- there is not a lot of wiggle room and they all went to the same class on pool inspection (although the Santa Cruz building department does so few pools that they may skip the class).

So lets get some plaster down and start swimming!!!!!!!!
Ready to start swimming - hope we are not doing a hot start and the water will be ready ASAP!

Not trying to beat up on an inspector, it is what it is - the good thing is we are moving forward. I just would like to not feel like I am in for a argument from moment one...

Ready to swim !!!
We are getting plastered. They started a bit early and arrived at 7 AM - our permit, neighborhood and city allow work starting at 8 AM - so having them start so early was a bit nerve wracking, but I figured they would be done sooner and it is our last push and noisy part of the job.

Pictures below!

I'm a big fan of retaining walls as they add tremendously to the ambiance of the whole area. Everything is looking great!

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