New build in CA

What does your pool builder say? He is the one with the warranty paper in his hand so what he says goes.....................

Saying depends on the start up he did. With one start up you can get in right after there is water in the pool. With another start up you have to wait a couple/few weeks.

I see "Nature2 Fusion" in your signature. Please go out and take the mineral pack out of it. Then come back in to do some reasons why I suggest this. It is $$ and can cause many problems down the road to your pool finish and blonde hair.

I also worry about the pool surface staining as well.

Those systems work until they don't if you know what I mean. Once the problem shows up it is too late and the damage is done. It is very hard to remove the stains :(

I want you to know all of your options so you make the best choice for your pool for long term enjoyment!

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