Closing: Retest Fc after polyquat?

No need. Your FC will be consumed by the Poly-Quat. Bring up to shock level at least 3-4 days prior to closing and allow the levels to drift down. Outside of this, you can SLAM the pool, but the FC will be consumed by the algaecide. Hard to tell how much. In my detailed closing instructions, I recommend and performed the SLAM very early and allowed levels to drift down, but the pool ha been so clean, that this year, I may only bump up for about 12 hours, and then run the same course of Poly-Quat.
Thanks for your answer Catanzaro, but I remain confused, as you first said “no”, but then you noted that you bumped the Fc up again for 12 hrs. it a good idea to bring up the Fc again after the polyquat brings it down? Thanks very much.

The reason why you are SLAM'ing the pool is to clean it up before closing. The reason why you are adding the algaecide is to have it keep algae at bay through the fall/winter/and very early spring. The algaecide should mix for 12 hours before closing. What I meant is not performing the SLAM and allowing levels to drift down, but only bring up a few ppm, mixing for 12 hours, then adding Poly-Quat and mixing again for 12 hours.

The algaecide needs to mix for 12 hours before closing the pool. If you go 24 hours, no big deal, but no need for any further mixing. The SLAM is to clean up the pool and you have to decide how much and how long. Remember that the algaecide will consume chlorine so no need to reverse the process. Some members bring up to SLAM and close the pool. Some do both, and some do nothing. The first year, the pool company closed the pool and my levels were at 5 ppm. They used only an algaecide (not the best, but the cheapest) and still woke up to a clean pool in the spring. In the end, it is what you are comfortable with.
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