Cherry and Sapele End Tables


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TFP Guide
Jun 7, 2017
Damascus, MD
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
Just finished these for beside my front door. Cherry top and drawer fronts and Sapele body.


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Nice, what is your website for orders? :thumleft:

Looks great!!!

Is that just a clear coat finish??? I ask because it is illegal to stain cherry... :mrgreen:

I like em.

Jim R.


I don't like staining either but for these tops I almost did since they vary wildly in color. I used a clear Danish oil. I will follow that up this coming weekend with a gloss polyurethane (for the tops only). Originally these were to have matching Sapele tops. The batch of wood I got had some issues with it and I was unable to harvest enough wood to make 2 tops. I had this Cherry on my shelf for close to 20 years. But, the tops are screwed on so I could always make a new top in Sapele. Only issue is if I make a new top the drawer fronts will be kind of odd since I don't want to make new drawers. So probably not do a new top.
Nice, what is your website for orders? :thumleft:

Actually I would make and sell these. I have maybe 30 hours in them total. I am thinking of putting a pair out at the next craft-show I attend for maybe $500 each. They were actually a lot of fun to make I have not made a piece of furniture in well over 20 years. I had been sticking to my music boxes. But a dresser for my wife is the next project. That will be out of walnut.

In the past, I have done a lot of woodwork, not so much lately.. I almost never had an issue until I made a Walnut bedroom set.. I must be allergic to Walnut dust.. Even though I have an cyclone vacuum connected to each machine and a air cleaner, I still ended up coughing for a week or more. I found I had to wear a respirator to keep the dust from doing me in.. Not sure if this is a universal problem, or just me.. ?

Something to think about when you start your dresser.


Jim R.

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PG, will the heat register under one of the tables affect the wood over the long term?

I don't think so but I have thought about that. The wood is kiln dried and sealed. Plenty of furniture is placed near vents and is fine but I'll keep my eye on it for sure.

In the past, I have done a lot of woodwork, not so much lately.. I almost never had an issue until I made a Walnut bedroom set.. I must be allergic to Walnut dust.. Even though I have an cyclone vacuum connected to each machine and a air cleaner, I still ended up coughing for a week or more. I found I had to wear a respirator to keep the dust from doing me in.. Not sure if this is a universal problem, or just me.. ?

Something to think about when you start your dresser.


Jim R.

Yes this is a concern of mine. I have never had any issues with Walnut, Cherry, Oak, Maple, etc but I had an allergic reaction to Lacewood/Leapardwood. I broke out in itchy hives on thin-skinned areas. That lasted a few weeks. Since then I seem to have a sensitivity to some exotic woods. Before that I never used exotics I just stuck to domestic woods. Walnut allergies are quite common. I wear a respirator style mask when I am sanding now (most of the time) but not when I generally just work on stuff. I did get some itchiness on the insides of my elbows, which is the usual place, right at the end of this project. And while I did a fairly thorough cleaning after the Leapardwood incident, I did not do a "wet" cleaning and there still may be some remnants of that.
Nice! Nice to see sapele being used! One of my favorites as many know.

Thanks! I really do like the Sapele and will for sure use it again. The only reason I went with the Cherry top and drawer fronts is because I ran out of the Sapele. I wish I had gotten more instead but could easily replace the top and drawer fronts if I decide to down the road. Also I put a coat of gloss poly on it today I am going to build up 5 or 6 coats and see how it looks.
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