Balboa control unit and heater troubleshooting


May 3, 2015
Abbotsford, BC
So I've come into this older Aber model 180 tub. Sat out in the rain for several months, with the open control panel facing upward. Dried it out for a couple days (under cover, warm air), then connected to power. Pops the breaker instantly when one leg of the 220 source is connected: unplug both, breaker is fine; connect one, breaker is fine; connect the other, snap!

We disconnected the heater, but it still pops, so that should rule that out.

I've sourced a replacement board (Balboa Lite Leader) online, around $130-$140, but before I pull the trigger on that, does anyone have any tips for testing these and maybe finding the bad component? The relays are open coil and probably soaked through and done forever, but those CAN be replaced individually.

Also, I figure to test the heater... should be able to check resistance across its terminals. Any idea what it should read?
All things being equal, I would recommend replacement of the whole controler. Sure, you might find the component that is currently causing the problem, but I suspect that something else will pop up down the road. That price isn't too bad and at least you would have a bit of warranty if you are concerned.
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