700 CH with Flakes


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2017
Hello, since i got my pool 3 years ago there has been a struggle with CH, for some reason it keeps raising to pretty high level, currently at 700.

So some background built new pool, pool vendor handle the chem for few weeks passed to me, i dealt with it for a bit and noticed my pH will increase rapidly, requiring sometimes more than a gallon per week, eventually i hired someone to look after the pool (guy been doing it for 40 years) after i while i noticed calcium flakes, fired the guy CH was over 1k, drain water for a while added soft water, maintained my self and eventually got it down to around 400. Hired another well known pool company that many of my neighbors used, after few months the flakes are back they tried to fight it with acid, that fixed it for a few weeks, but flakes are back CH is around 700. Note when pool gets flakes so do my salt cell. Also when i use the heater that seems to increase the flakes

In my opinion is lack of acid from their part but they claim is my pool finish releasing it, that acid is perfect. Just trying to get you all opinion.

Edit just got some results from a 2 year old test kit: and test strips
Note: pool cleaning company came today and added acid, not sure what else they added (few hours ago)
FC 7.0
pH 6.8
TA 40
CH 550
CYA 20
SALT 3600
Water Temp 93
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Hello, since i got my pool 3 years ago there has been a struggle with CH, for some reason it keeps raising to pretty high level, currently at 700
You get pretty much your pool volume in rain overflow annually in FL, with rain being 0 CH.

Most by you struggle to maintain CH.

Do you/they use non-stabilized shock (cal-hypo) ?
Flakes are usually produced within the SWG cell during chlorine production. High levels of CH and TA contribute to the scaling. Can you post a full set of test results.

Just got some results from a 2 year old test kit: and test strips
Note: pool cleaning company came today and added acid, not sure what else they added (few hours ago)
FC 7.0
pH 6.8
TA 40
CH 550
CYA 20
SALT 3600
Water Temp 93
You need to update your test kit. I don't believe the results listed are accurate. The results show very low ph and TA. There's nothing in that chemistry that would indicate scaling other than high CH which is likely not accurate either.
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If those numbers are accurate and consistently maintained, you should see no scaling in the cell. Your TA is a bit low. TFP recommends an acceptable minimum of 50 ppm. Your CYA is also lower than recommended for a SWG pool.

As mentioned in my previous post, I would update the test kit and monitor levels on your own.