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  1. F

    Loss of pressure while vacuuming

    I've noticed lately when I try to vacuum the pool (utilizing my suction port), the pressure will continually lose prime. Outside of air being in the hose/line, I'm curious if I need different valve settings. My setup is pretty straightforward. One value is for main drain/vacuum and the other is...
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    Algae growth on tile

    Hey folks, dealing with some heavy algae growth on the tiles above the water line (in the grout lines). I’ve tried to raise the water line and SLAM with no success. Wire brushes will break up the grout. Any chemical ideas? Otherwise it’s scrubbing w my hands and a nylon brush which I’m far too...
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    Low PSI

    Noticed my vacuum wasn't working this morning, pulled out a little kids toy out of the bottom of it. After fixing that, I noticed my PSI wasn't as high as's normally around 6-8 when cleaned, it's floating around 4 PSI today and I haven't cleaned the filter in a while. I also noticed...
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    FC diminishing

    Hi ya'll, having a trouble holding FC over the past few days. Tested FC yesterday after a week of no testing and had zero FC. The SWG has been set to 100 for a while now, cell looks fine. It's probably 4 years old and haven't had issues w. it before producing. Pool is clear and I don't suspect...
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    Cloudy pool

    Ladies and gents, I've noticed lately that I'm getting slightly cloudy water, especially after the pool has been used by the family. Numbers are all solid and I typically run 7FC/70 CYA here in Florida. I am running my SWG pretty high right now but here is the wild card... My filter cartridge...
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    SWG vs liquid chlorine

    Dealing with very hot days and tons of rain here in Florida which is causing lower than normal FC. I’m worried about running my SWG at a higher value (currently 50 bumped up to 75) that may cause premature cell failure vs supplementing liquid as a band aid. The SWG is about 5 years old.
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    Article thoughts? (TL;DR, it's against high CYA)

    Thoughts? I don't do this FWIW, just curious how truthful or practical this article is.
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    Pool/ Spa question

    Helping out a neighbor with a newly installed pool and spa. They dropped off some samples and are dealing with the classic green pool, need a SLAM story as old as time. I've noticed the samples are a little different in the results and without seeing it or asking them, I assume you treat the...
  9. F

    Algae on grout lines

    So I'm getting my pool back up and running and have noticed there is a lot of algae growing on the grout lines between the tiles (all above the water line). It will scrub off easily with a wire or still plastic brush but the grout is also breaking up and/or sanding off when I do this. It also...
  10. F

    CYA/FC Relationship during SLAM

    I'm curious to know why a lower CYA calls for lower FC during SLAM. I just naturally thought a higher CYA would be more efficient and call for less FC. I also wonder why a lower CYA (let's say 30 in this example) calls for 12 ppm FC, as I would assume higher FC would be better at clearing a...
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    SLAM assistance

    Hello all, attempting to help a friend with her cloudy pool. She just got a proper TP100 test kit and below are results. My question is the cloudiness is improving but it's not a rapid change I've personally seen while SLAM'ing. Any further advice or steps would be appreciated. -24,000 gallon...
  12. F

    No PSI

    Hello folks, it's been a while. The other day I noticed my filter showed zero PSI when I turned it on. I inspected the cartridge and it looked really worn out (I've neglected it over the past 6 months or so). Swapped out for a new cartridge and same thing. A few notes below and any guidance...
  13. F

    PH drop

    What would cause a PH drop from 8.0 down to 7.1 overnight? Tested yesterday afternoon and while we did get some rain last night, it wasn't a ton. All other values below. I'd like to raise it a bit today as we're having some folks over to swim. My tap water is 8.0ish. Should I replace some water...
  14. F

    Animal poop in pool

    Welp, really was hoping to avoid this. Woke up this morning to see this. Not sure if it's a raccoon or opossum or otherwise. For some weird reason their were some grub worm or chinch bugs near the poop. If it's raccoon, I'm terrified as the CDC website says you can get very sick. Suggestions? I...
  15. F

    CYA after SLAM

    Finished up a SLAM and OCLT, my CYA was 50 prior. Should I wait until the FC comes down to bump up my CYA?
  16. F

    A vacuum to defeat all vacuums

    I've tried so many different types. First started with a Barracuda that would waste thru my filter, it didn't work great. Then I bought a battery operated vacuum that would waste into a bag and that hardly sucked up anything. I'm currently using just a roller connected to my hose that wastes...
  17. F

    Cloudy water

    Noticed my water is a little cloudy over the past day. Current readings below. Do you think this is an algae issue that hasn't fully bloomed yet and turned my water green? FWIW, I throughly cleaned out my cartridge yesterday. Is it SLAM time? PH-7.5 FC-3.5 (currently raising this a bit thru the...
  18. F

    Lowering TA

    Asking for a friend so bear with me...the "pool store" had him dump way too much acid in his pool to lower his TA. Naturally his PH went very low and now the TA is slightly out of range at 125. Is this something you should just let be and not treat in an effort to focus more on PH?
  19. F

    Turnover rate

    So I've been curious how long I actually need to run my pump to turnover all of the water. Am I thinking about this correctly? I have the below linked pump and it's fed by (what I think) is a 2" pipe, at least the elbow fittings around that pipe say 2". Maybe the pipe is 1.5"? Single speed...
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    Upside down cell

    So I was troubleshooting a small leak around my Pool Pilot PPC1 cell and realized that at some point it was put back on upside down by me or previous owner. I haven't had any major issues with the generator in the past but am curious why it has an "up" indication and what happens if it's put...
  21. F

    0 FC

    I've been checking my FC and PH every couple of weeks (pool not completely shut down but not using much), and this morning I realized I had zero FC! We've had a lot of rain here in Florida but the SWG was set to 15%. There is plenty of salt in the pool and I'm getting no indications from the...
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    New pump sound

    My pump is making a new sound above the normal running sound. Something was stuck in the filter last night and impeded skimmer flow but it didn’t run dry as the filter basket had water in it. Any thoughts? As an aside how would I know if the filter was broken besides not running? My PSI is fine.
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    Algae cleaning on tiles

    Noticed that I've started to get some growth between some tiles (photos in link below). Can I just spray some bleach/water combination on this? Any other method that wouldn't throw my FC way off?
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    Acrylic Sealer Stripper in Pool

    Helping out a buddy in Texas and contractors somehow spilled or cleaned up stripper near his pool and as you can see in the link (2 pictures in link) It's foamy when he runs the pump now. Any tips on cleanup? Change/clean the filter until it's gone? Something more drastic like water changes...
  25. F

    PH issue

    I'm finding that the muriatic acid additions to my pool never really match what the Pool Math is suggesting. I thought my acid was somehow bad and tried a new container with similar results. For example, I had 8.1 yesterday morning, and added 8 ounces of 31.45 (20 Be) acid. I was aiming for a...
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    Liquid Chlorine color

    Has anyone noticed their liquid chlorine losing the yellow color over time? I've had a jug outdoors for a month plus unopened and noticed it's clear in color now. Does this impact the strength of it at all?
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    Does Muriatic Acid ever go bad?

    I picked up a new bottle recently at the local PaP, same percentage as always but a different brand. I noticed it doesn't smell nearly as strong and I believe it's not dropping the PH near as much as it should based on Pool Math.
  28. F

    Closing Pool in N. Florida?

    New to pools (SWG, 5000 gallon FB pool), and as the weather is finally starting to cool down I'm wondering what the process is to close the pool. I'm not sure we're going to swim much once the water temp drops below 80. Whats the process besides less pump run time?
  29. F

    FC is gone after two days

    I tested this morning after adding some chemicals two days ago. There is .5 ppm of FC now. I have no clue why this happened all of a sudden. Any help would be appreciated. My SWG has been set on 25%. Do I have chlorine lock from the high CYA? I've had CYA of 90 before with no issues). Logs...
  30. F

    Vacuum not sucking

    I have a Baracuda G3, previously no issues sucking thru skimmer. Today I just couldn't get the vacuum to work. There is the normal amount of suction going through the skimmer but the vacuum just sits there and I see no shaking motion. Any thoughts on where to start?