Search results

  1. S

    How and why did you find TFP?

    I thought it'd be fun to share what initially brought you to TFP and how you found it. I'll share. i bought a house with my first pool. I previously had an above ground pool but had no idea how to properly care for it. The prior owner left an old TF100 test kit that had expired many years...
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    Hotel pools

    We're at a hotel in San Diego. I know I've been spoiled by my TFP pool and i know many pools may be a bit more cloudy but this hotel pool is on another level. You can barely see the 3rd step. The floor on the 5ft deep end is not visible at all. Grossss. Definitely not swimming in this thing.
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    Some math help...

    Math was never my strong suit. I'd like to calculate how much I'm increasing my TA with fill water. For example, if i add 200 gallons of fill water which is 130ppm TA, how much does that increase the TA in a 15,000 gallon pool? Any math whizzes out there?
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    I know clarifier generally isn't needed.. but i had some tile repair work done a couple days ago and some of the grout and probably thinset fell in the pool. There are very fine particles that aren't filtering out so far. It's enough to make the water slightly cloudy. More noticeable when the...
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    How long for grout to dry before filling with water?

    This is not a new build but a tile repair. A warranty company replaced 3 tiles that fell off from the water line. The water was drained about an inch below the tile. They grouted it immediately after reinstalling the tiles and told me to wait a few hours before filling the water back up to the...
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    When to drain due to calcium

    Hello TFP brain trust. My calcium is at 525 as of today. It was 300 the same time last year. As you can guess, we have very hard water. TA - 70 CYA - 60 Water temp - 75° Right now, my CSI is fine but as the water warms up (it will get to 90° here) and calcium starts increasing rapidly due to...
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    Recommended cartridge filter cleaner?

    I've read the recommended reading on filter cleaning and many old threads. It seems dishwasher detergent is no longer recommended because they don't contain phosphates. I'm not sure I want to find and use TSP so what's your recommended commercial filter cleaner?
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    Dirt coming out of the returns

    Cartridge filter. I turned the pump off and opened the air valve to empty the pump basket. When i turned it back on, after it primed, a bunch of dirt came shooting out of the returns for about 15-20 seconds before it went clear again. It was enough to cloud the pool until it settled. I'm...
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    Scored muriatic acid at Walmart

    14.5% for $7.44 for 2 gallons. I usually pay $11 or $12 for 2 gallons. This was stapley and baseline for any of our east valley AZ folks here.
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    Cya in drinking water...

    I'm sure this has been discussed before but i couldn't find an answer via forum search. The epa approved the use of dichlor and trichlor for disinfecting drinking water in 2001. Wouldn't cities which use dichlor or trichlor have some cya in their drinking water? I can't find maximum allowable...
  11. S

    Tired of driving to the pool store to get inaccurate test results?

    Not anymore! We can provide the same inaccuracy from the comfort of your own home! Is this for reals?
  12. S

    Anyone get hit with that dust storm last night in east valley Phoenix area?

    It hit here around 10:30pm or so. The wind was intense and the dirt was so thick in the air, i felt the grit in my teeth after i went outside to secure a few loose things. The pool was a mess this morning. The top covered in leaves and pine needles...the bottom entirely covered in a layer of...
  13. S

    Buttons greyed out when posting..

    My buttons on the menu are greyed out when posting which doesn't allow me to hyperlink or use any of the other editing features. Is there a post count minimum which activates these or are they just turned off on the forum for non-moderators? Thanks
  14. S

    Went to the pool store....

    Yeah yeah, i know. I needed a fine mesh skimmer and Leslie's had one for a decent price. Since i was going anyway, i was curious what numbers their fancy testing machine would spit out so i took a water sample. Of course, i had no intention of using their recommendations but I've never had a...
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    CH Testing - What is Blue?

    Moved from here. Not to hjjack but I've seen this advice before but my CH test never turns baby blue. It remains a light purple color. I can add 15 extra drops after the water turns light purple and it will not change the color any further. Why would that be?
  16. S

    TFP history

    I'm snipping a quote from another thread that really got me interested in the history of TFP. There really is nothing like it on the internet or otherwise and I find it fascinating. It seems like the man, the myth, the legend, chem geek came up with most of the science. Was he one of the...
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    What's the difference between forum badges?

    Being the overly curious person I am, I was wondering what the difference between the "TFP Expert" and "TFP Guide" badges members wear on their profile.
  18. S

    Can high pH cloud the water?

    Yesterday, I noticed my pool wasn't as "sparkly" as usual. Not necessarily cloudy but not the sparkle it normally has. I checked pH and it was up to 8.2. I've been keeping it under 8 but it's been super windy here and I guess the pH got higher than expected from the aeration. I brought pH down...
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    Portable pool heater?

    Is there such a thing as a portable pool heater that could run off, say, a bbq propane tank and 110v for a self-contained water pump? If even only designed for smaller pools?
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    To start off, I know the TFP method relies on maintaining FC according to the CYA/FC chart to prevent algae which makes phosphates mostly irrelevant. However, I read a comment from Richard Falk on the below article where he says TFP doesn't promote phosphate removal due to simplicity of message...
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    What's the hottest your pool gets?

    The pool temp thread made me wonder what is the hottest pools get ( heaters or covers) in different regions. Here in the arizona desert, pools can get uncomfortably hot. So how about other regions? It's been 90 to 95 degrees here and the pool is still 77. I know that's hotter than...
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    Tile grout is cracking and coming out

    My pool was replastered and waterline tile redone in November of last year before I bought the house. Today, I noticed several tiles in one particular area where the grout was cracked and on one tile the grout was coming out completely. These tiles are also have a lot of scale where the rest...
  23. S

    Black foreign matter in my pool?

    How do I get this out of my pool? I tried a brush and skimmer but it's quite insistent on staying.
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    I think USPS lost my TFT order

    I ordered a refill for dpd powder and the 0871 reagent. It was supposed to be here yesterday then said it was arriving late today. It didn't come in todays mail. In my experience, when USPS loses something, the tracking initially indicates "running late" and if it doesn't arrive on the later...
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    Went to the pool store yesterday...

    And holy moly I see how pools turn into water equivalent to a failed science experiment. While i was waiting to buy some o-rings, the manager tested a couple peoples water. The story was the same on both water tests: "your phosphates are high, your alkalinity is low. Your CYA is good under...
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    Air in pump basket and bubbles from returns....

    Hello, I have a new issue that just popped up last night. I noticed a fairly small amount of bubbles coming out of 2 of my returns. This morning I went out to the pump and noticed there are air bubbles in the basket area when on. The higher the RPM, the more air in it. The new pump was just...
  27. S

    Would this bother you? (pump pictures)

    I just had a new pentair intelliflo vsf pump installed for $1650. The pump works fine but there's another issue that kinda bothers me. The installer sprayed the new piping to "match" the pump color but they got overspray all over the pump including the control panel lid. And it doesn't match the...
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    Pool pump runtime

    Hello, First off, I've read the "determine pump run time" article here on TFP. The gist of it, if I'm understanding correctly, is you just run it the amount of time needed to get the clarity you want as long as you're circulating at least 4-8 hours per day...depending on your pump speed. I...
  29. S

    What is/was this for?

    On the deep end of my pool is a built in bench. There are two ports there which i assumed was for massaging your back. On the pool deck just behind this area are what appear to be two copper lines that were cut off. When i open the valve that turns on the ports at the bench, it sucks air in...
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    Alkalinity won't go down...

    Hi all. I'm new here but I've done tons of reading. I am dealing with my first pool in a house i purchased last month. It is an outdoor diving pool calculated at about 15,000 gallons. I have a new tf100 test kit and I've been following the instructions precisely when testing. My alkalinity...