New Northeastern Pa Build

I definitely feel your pain with this rain. It's been insanely wet - apparently wettest summer in PA overall since 1896 or so. Here's to hoping we get some dryness over the next few days!!
Dry here so far man but as soon as a step foot home it will rain. Lol

rhey r trying to get my roof and chimney ready for copper I assume next week. Trying to get the hood up too. Thing is a beast.
well i got cont momentum going on. the fence should be done by today so we can finally fill the pool. lol

they are working on getting the roof watertight again around the chimney. the copper flashing is going on today. looks really really good. the hogs back which is that hump that goes into chimney to divert water away from it is all copper too vs shingles like sometimes. They are also using lead covered copper vs regular copper for the cap so that when water runs off it down the face of the brick it doesn't stain it green.

my hood for the kitchen is in now. cap just isn't on yet cause no one has caps for 10 inch piping. so weird. so we got to order that.

next week they are going to do the beams and soffit so we can gutters on this thing already.

my limestone is there. took my dad and his buddy a few trips cause of the wieght but they have it laid out ready to install on monday.

so i'm starting to check off stuff here and there.

Man everyone is leaving. Lol. Tomorrow. I’m cleaning up a bit. So tomorrow.


fence is good. Very nice install. Fences stink though. My yard looks like a prison now. I have no view. All I see r lines and bars. I really don’t like it but I know we need it.

My flashing is like 90 percent done. All that’s left is the copper lead cap. Roof is 90 percent done too. I’m watertight. That’s all that matters.

My limestone is setup for install Monday. All laid out.

Not it sure if they r starting soffits or fascia and stuff Monday. No big deal cause joe needs space for mixing and doing the stone.

Sinday we r hopefully working on the kitchen framing.

Mall I know if tomorrow I’m on major cleanup. I just had everyone go home today cause they were on the roof for 8 hrs.
I know I know. I’m getting out side in a little. I’m on kid duty for the am. My plan was to take some pics and clean up a bit.

Ya hogs back here. I used to call it the stupid little gable thingy.

Ya ya I know worthless words. My father always told me there is wisdom in words. I guess it has to come from the right person though. Lol. Not me.

hey wait I Gave u guys all kinda pics the other day of cabinets and stuff!

im very scattered right now. The easytouch being down really threw me off.
ok here are some pics. the sun is a mess right now but I got some shots. don't mind the mess. there is stuff everywhere.

fence. . . ya i don't like it. i mean it's nice and was a good install but man i feel like we are in a prison like i said yesterday.

IMG_1042 by Jim, on Flickr

IMG_1047 by Jim, on Flickr

IMG_1048 by Jim, on Flickr

IMG_1054 by Jim, on Flickr

steps ready to go . . .

IMG_1049 by Jim, on Flickr

some pool house pics. no grades yet.

IMG_1053 by Jim, on Flickr

IMG_1051 by Jim, on Flickr

IMG_1072 by Jim, on Flickr

IMG_1057 by Jim, on Flickr

IMG_1066 by Jim, on Flickr

kitchen has hood now. it's centered over grill and egg. i needed 72 inches but only could find a 60". no way i was buying 2. better than nothing i figure. 2 blowers though.

IMG_1055 by Jim, on Flickr

chimney. . . the lead copper cap isn't on yet, but step flashing and hog back is done.

IMG_1069 by Jim, on Flickr

IMG_1070 by Jim, on Flickr

- - - Updated - - -

all in all i'm happy. this week hopefully jim gets all the soffits and beams done. then we can get gutters. i know the cap is coming for chimney. maybe make some headway on the kitchen, but i know got 3 inches of rain coming for tuesday. might be a wash this week. who knows. lol

oh ya no fireplace shots cause it's really blocked by material right now.
Not bad. Everything's coming together. Something's missing, though. Hmmm... needs more bricks maybe...

Geez, dude, seriously, you are one hard-workin' man. I thought I'd done a lot on my place. Nice work!

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More brick coming. Kitchen is brick. We r going for low maintence here. Same with my house. Keep it low. I’m a traditionalist. I like my brick.

Final count is going to be 9000. 2 thousan over estimate cause of the wing wall it ate up a ton. Fireplace had a ton of cuts.
I'm a big fan. Stucco, tile, brick, rock, concrete. I wish I had metal studs and no wooden eves (rafters) or facia! Do it right, do it once!
No no. Not that it’s a bad install. Just looks so closed in. It made the yard so small looking now. I guess I’m not used to it yet. It’s just weird still every time I go to the garage. Open the gate. I think I opened it like 50 times today. I am going to prop it open tomorrow when I work outside. I didn’t even have them mountxthe other gate by the spool house cause we go through there 1000 times a day. My dads buddies would rip it off the hinges. Lol

its a nice fence it’s just odd to me still. Everyone I look out in he year my eye instantly focus on a post.

thanks for stopping by Jim!
After a while you will get used to it and be thankful when a visiting dog comes to say hey! LOL

All of that looks SO good! I had to look at it over and over and over again to see all of the special details that were used with the bricks. The curved top of the wall, the pop outs on the corners, etc. all so well done!!

Hey B! He has pics up now!!!!

I can understand why you’re not in love with the fence. It will take some getting use to. You chose well with the colour as black is the easiest to look past and not distract the eye. After a while you won’t really notice it. I agree that it’s a pain opening the gate over and over. It’s illegal to prop a pool gate open here but our neighbour does it. Is your gate self closing? That does make it a bit easier and also safer. As far as fences go I like it. I think it fits in nicely with its surroundings.

Your pool house has really come along. You know some people have houses that are smaller [emoji6] It will be a real asset to the pool area.
I had to look at it over and over and over again to see all of the special details that were used with the bricks. The curved top of the wall, the pop outs on the corners, etc. all so well done!!

Oh, yah, thanks for pointing those out. I see woodwork details because I work in wood, but I'm not tuned into to masonry work in the same way, nor fully understand what that takes, never having done it. But, yes, those are special touches, for sure. Nice!
After a while you will get used to it and be thankful when a visiting dog comes to say hey! LOL

All of that looks SO good! I had to look at it over and over and over again to see all of the special details that were used with the bricks. The curved top of the wall, the pop outs on the corners, etc. all so well done!!

Hey B! He has pics up now!!!!


kim he did a really good job. the quoined corners (word of the day. . . pronounced coined) i just a very typical traditional colonial thing up here for masons that know how to do them the right way. they are suppose to bounce in and out like that. not straight down like on most houses you see here. the front posts and the corners by them are non traditional. we wanted them to blend with each other so when u look straight on they stack and all match and when u look to the side the quoins are the same as the posts. solid. i'll take a pic to show u what i mean. joe likes detail but he doesn't like over the top stuff like brick sticking out and angles all over the place. when u see the detail of the fireplace u will see what i mean.

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