Weir door range of motion?


LifeTime Supporter
Jun 18, 2015
Fast question about Weir doors I was hoping to get some help on - should the wier door be able to pivot forward (toward the pool) in addition to backwards (towards the skimmer)? Put another way, should a weir door have a 90 degree range of motion or a 180 degree range of motion?

Just wondering because I put new weir doors in our pool (we just bought the house and there weren't any there when we got it). One of them has gotten stuck this week forward (so at perhaps a 45 degree angle towards the pool), causing the skimmer water to run low and air to be sucked in. I'm just trying to figure out how I should fix that - I could either shave the door to give it a full 180 degree range of motion, or I could put some sort of stops on the door to prevent it from traveling past 90 degrees (from horizontal) and getting stuck.

Thanks for any thoughts.
I had this as well at my last house.

The generic spring loaded weir door would flap back forth releasing debris whilst swimming..ugh.

my solution was to push the door slowly towards the water (I didn't realize i had some more room there)

When I did that it made the weir use the bottom of the skimmer mouth as a stop to keep it from flopping forward.

The generic weir door was shorter than the original one, so it had room to go down a bit too. I had to do
that as when I first installed, it was too high and would jam itself on the tile grout at the top, causing air to enter the pump when it stuck.
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