Water Chemistry - can't get it crystal clear


May 9, 2016
Good morning guys,
I am having some trouble with my water chemistry and hope you can help.

Chlorine 18x38 pool 9' deep end
I opened the pool in April and got it right pretty quick but since then it has turned a bit. Water is still clear but it is not "crystal" clear. I have been doing it long enough to know it is off but I am having trouble figuring it out and I know someone here can help
Current levels:
PH 8.0+
Al - 120
CYA - 40
FC - 6.5

I know my Ph is too high but I just got done Slamming the pool. Will that come down as the chlorine comes down or do I need to go ahead and add muriatic acid?

Reduce your pH now. What is your TA? You need that to determine how much acid you will need using PoolMath

Use 8.2 as now and 7.4 as target. Be sure your current TA is entered in Now for TA. Add the amount of muriatic acid it indicates. Circulate your pool fro 30 minutes and give it a quick brush. Test pH again. Depending on your TA, you may wish to lower your pH more. Let us know.

High pH can cause cloudy or dull water.

Take care.
Ok - so I did as directed and the pool cleared up. I added the acid as directed and rechecked my Ph and it was 7.4. Thanks for the guidance. I am currently looking at a crystal clear pool.

But wait......so I check my Ph and TA this morning.....TA is 100 and PH is 8.0+ again..... why would my Ph fluctuate like that? Should I add more acid. I double checked it to make sure it was not an error on my part and it was not......
Any ideas? and by the way the pool is currently crystal clear, clean and pristine..........

Reduce your pH now. What is your TA? You need that to determine how much acid you will need using PoolMath

Use 8.2 as now and 7.4 as target. Be sure your current TA is entered in Now for TA. Add the amount of muriatic acid it indicates. Circulate your pool fro 30 minutes and give it a quick brush. Test pH again. Depending on your TA, you may wish to lower your pH more. Let us know.

High pH can cause cloudy or dull water.

Take care.
It has been 4 days since you tested pH? It can easily go up that much in that amount of time with TA of 100 or so.

You should be testing FC and pH daily.

Take care.
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