SR Smith pool slide gap between flumes

Any update on the slide?
SR Smith is sending another slide. They refused to tell me what the engineers report said just said warranty is sending out another. The PB told me rather than replace the slide they would give me a one year warranty because it will be a lot of trouble. I told them 1 year wasn’t enough and so just replace the slide so that’s what they are going to do, just don’t know when!
Ok y’all I’m back with a question about your opinion. They cut the slide out over a month ago, ordered another but got the wrong slide so they just finished this last Wednesday. We lo and behold, the grout color is completely off at the parts they replaced the rock. Will this somehow turn chocolate brown or am I correct that they did the incorrect grout color? Is this something that I’m overreacting on?

It looks fine.

In the grand scheme of things, if that is the only problem, then you are doing well.

You can probably dye the grout with some stain if you want, but I would not ask them to try to remove what you have and redo it.

They would probably damage the slide if they tried to cut out the grout.
I definitely understand your frustration.

This has been a long stressful ordeal and you just want to be done with it and move on.

Just be happy that they did the right thing and replaced the slide and it is safe and it works.

The color is a minor cosmetic issue that is not a big deal.

Maybe get some stain or dye and apply with a paintbrush if you really want a different color.
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I paid $60,000 for just this slide and grotto. I would just assume it would be correct. It has been an ordeal. I just don’t know how a mason wouldn’t catch that. It’s all long the other side too. I wish I could post a video on here so you could see. It’s just super annoying that nothing gets done correctly.
I totally get it; you paid a lot and your expectations are reasonable.

The people doing the work should be competent and they should check with you before doing things like grout to make sure that the color is correct etc.

Part of the problem is that they do not seem to care or to want to communicate with you.

They treat you more like an annoying pest that gets in their way than the customer that they need to make happy because you are the one paying the bills.

In the real world, there will always be issues and problems and some things you have to make a big deal about and some things you have to let go and accept it as just the way it is.

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Here is just part of the side but all looks like this along it. You can clearly see the two different colors all along it. Just chaps my Rear honestly.


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I totally get it; you paid a lot and your expectations are reasonable.

The people doing the work should be competent and they should check with you before doing things like grout to make sure that the color is correct etc.

Part of the problem is that they do not seem to care or to want to communicate with you.

They treat you more like an annoying pest that gets in their way than the customer that they need to make happy because you are the one paying the bills.

In the real world, there will always be issues and problems and some things you have to make a big deal about and some things you have to let go and accept it as just the way it is.
I hear you. I’m just annoyed that there is so little care put into this.
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Looks great! I would not have known there was a problem if you did not point it out.

It will all weather into the same look.
It’s sloppy work by someone who does not really care.

There are not a lot of real craftsmen left today who really take pride in their work.

Most work is done by people who really do not care and who just want to get it done as fast as possible and they don’t want to take the time and effort to do excellent work.
Just chaps my Rear honestly.
Yeah. One would think having to start over from sloppiness would make people pay closer attention on the redo. But not if they're trades people evidentally.

It seemed every screw up I called crews back for opened the door for 2 or 3 new screw ups.
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They wiped the grout all over the stones and it is just lazy and sloppy work.

I would want to be done with this builder as soon as possible because they just really do not care.

Is it really that unnoticeable to y’all? My husband was kind of like what do you expect from them but wasn’t super concerned about it. Now it’s like all I can see because I’ve noticed it so I can’t even tell if it is actually noticeable to other people.
Is it really that unnoticeable to y’all? My husband was kind of like what do you expect from them but wasn’t super concerned about it. Now it’s like all I can see because I’ve noticed it so I can’t even tell if it is actually noticeable to other people.

No one else will notice what you are seeing while they are enjoying your pool and slide.

No one is going to be examining your grotto rocks and grout closely.

Everyone knows how sloppy workmanship can be now.
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It does not look bad, but it also does not look perfect.

It is noticeable, but what can you do?

I definitely would not try to remove it.

You do not want a couple of clowns with jackhammers chipping out the grout because they will probably take a big chunk out of the slide and you will have to replace the slide all over again.

I am pretty sure that you do not want to go through that again.

You can probably dye the grout or maybe go over the grout with some different colored grout.

The project looks pretty good overall and most people will not care about the color.

I understand that you are probably not inclined to cut the builder any slack based on their attitude, but I would want to be done with them as soon as possible.

Maybe hire a real stonemason who cares about quality to see what they can do to make it look better.
Overall, I would say that you are lucky that you got the slide replaced without a huge fight.

I agree that it should be perfect for the amount of money you spent, but you have probably gotten the best that the company can do and it would probably be counterproductive to continue to fight with them.

Sometimes, you have to take what you have and move on.

Maybe get a handyman or mason to do any repairs or address any cosmetic issues.

Unless an issue is covered under warranty, I would probably try to avoid dealing with the company further.

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