pH result guessing game

Your pH was 7.6 or 7.7. The point is doesn't matter. A pH of ANY 7 is just fine. Only adjust it if you move into the 8's or 6's.......easy peasy. That's why I really don't like the digital meters calibration - expense - storage, you name it Digital is always worse and never required..
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The point is doesn't matter. A pH of ANY 7 is just fine. Only adjust it if you move into the 8's or 6's.......easy peasy.
You are correct and there is no argument with that statement.

I won’t know if it’s in the 7s unless I use the pH drop test. My pool is my hobby, not my job. If I’ve gotten lazy and the pH test shows 8ish, I want to know (I am compulsive) is it 8.0 or above. One drop of R-0005 and I can see where the pH is at. It matters to me and my compulsion, not to TFPC.
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I've always shaken it -- not minutes of vigorous paint-mixer shaking, but enough to thoroughly mix, like a few seconds of flipping it back and forth. I've never noticed the color change even if I take 5-10-30 seconds to read it.

I use a "whitescreen" app on my phone and hold it behind the comparator. I'm a bit red-green colorblind, and am able to pretty easily read it then. As others have said, I'm mainly concerned about my target point -- if it's anywhere around 7.9-8.0+, I'm going to add a quart of acid. Below that it's interesting to know how long I have, but doesn't really matter if it's 7.4, 7.5, or 7.6 for example, so I don't scrutinize there as much.
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