New pump suggestions

Oct 19, 2010
Seems my intelliflo is dead (7 years). It happened while away. The control panel no longer works at all. I measured everything and electricity is being delivered.

I had a VS 3hp. Have these pumps been discontinued? The prices seem very very high for a replacement.

My pool is about 12k gallons. Any suggestions on a new pump?

Thanks in advance!
You mention Intelliflo, but your signature states 1.5 HP pump - do you have a Superflo VS? Also you measured 240v between L1 and L2 at the pump?

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While you are most likely correct that your control head is dead, I suggest that you double check how you measured the 240 volts into the pump.

I say this because we have seen several cases where the OP thought they had 240 volts when the really only had 120 volts. To measure 240 volts, you have to measure between the two pump inputs, L1 and L2. You can't measure L1 to ground and then L2 to ground as this can give you a false reading.

You have to use a voltmeter; you cannot use a neon light type of tester.

If you measured between L1 and L2 and had 240 volts, then most likely your control head is dead.

If you did not measure between L1 and L2, then I suggest you test it again, just to make sure.


Jim R.
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