New pool/spa build in North Texas Updated: PICS

So the air leak was solved quite easily. The air was being drawn in through the ozone connection to the suction line. The ozone itself produces tiny air bubbles, but the connection was drawing in additional air.

The solution - had the connection capped and ripped out the ozone. Even though the air leak could easily be fixed, the concept of injecting air bubbles and ozone right before the pump just seems very illogical to me, especially given ozone isn't much more than a gimmick.

Since sealing the air leak, and removing the ozone, my flow rates are up a bit and everything is operating smoothly.

The spillway that was slightly off level by a few cm is being leveled next week.
Had a pretty major issue that popped up with the stamped concrete. Apparently it was very cold when stamping and the concrete had not set up properly which allowed the stamp to mash into the concrete more than it should have.

It was bad enough in most areas to warrant the jackhammer coming out. It was all removed and PB is replacing with travertine pavers for a slight up charge. I think I will like that better anyway

After that is fixed, still some punch list items remain. Spa spillway still needs some leveling work. With the warmer weather hoping to knock this out and move on to landscaping.

Builder has been accommodating and promised to do whatever it takes to make me happy - even threw in a free intellichem, pump, and acid tank which will be installed Monday

Intellichem installation almost complete. Already reporting back ORP and PH to my iPhone...pretty sweet
I am bummed that the stamped concrete didn't work out. We are supposed to have 1400 sf of stamped deck in large Ashlar (looks similar to what you have/had) poured as soon as temps cooperate. Poured coping to go in tomorrow, with same texture as the Ashlar applied. Anything you would recommend for others following in your footsteps with the stamped? Wait for warmer temps? We've been on hold for weather for months and are finally hitting overnights of 40 degrees.
You don't necessarily have to wait for warmer temps - the concrete just takes longer to set up when it's colder. The stamping has to be timed just right. Sometimes it just gets messed up but I honestly wouldn't worry about - it's very rare that stamped jobs go bad when dealing with good sub contractors

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Replacing for a small up charge. But yeah, the fact that he his giving me a full credit for 1000 sf of stamped concrete after jack hammering it all out is pretty darn nice of him.

Everyone makes mistakes and before signing with this builder I couldn't find one negative review anywhere - this must be why

The intellichem is running smoothly. The ph has been fairly stable at 7.5

My ORP is a bit high right now as I'm running off chlorine pucks at the moment as salt has not been added to the pool.

Once salt is in, the intellichem will take over chlorine production using the intellichlor SWG.

Does anyone have any experience running the intellichem? I have read that I really shouldn't be up and running at the moment with still a high risk of freeze in the Dallas area.

The pentair rep who installed the system said it's no issue - I'm skeptical
Yes, the PH has been verified manually. I will test PH monthly in case the ph sensor probe needs calibration. So far it is working like a champ.

Outside of the ph control, I will be able to keep my pool at a constant free chlorine level - most likely 3.
Yes, the PH has been verified manually. I will test PH monthly in case the ph sensor probe needs calibration. So far it is working like a champ.

Outside of the ph control, I will be able to keep my pool at a constant free chlorine level - most likely 3.

That's really neat.
jamcha02 ... they probably gave you the one the ordered for me and are ordering a new one for me! LOL! They ordered 1 too few lights for me, so had to "steal" from someone else (says Thomson on the box ... sorry Thomson family). Glad they are taking care of you. I've been really pleased so far.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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