New pool (first time) build in DFW (Current Phase: POOL COMPLETED!!)

Coping and water features went in this week!


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Looking nice !! would be interested to see your landscaping around the pool . I have similar shape pool and looking for ideas to see what to plant which is easy maintenance ..

Not quite sure what we are going to do with Lanscaping.. It will be similar to what is in the initial concept. Either way Its gonna a have to be simple though we don't have alot budget lefT :)


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Either way Its gonna a have to be simple though we don't have alot budget lefT :)

Same here

I laid out pavers from the steps to the diving board before the patio went in. The landscaping took 5 years to be proud of.
*Not 1* cannonball was affected throughout.

Not 1 guest ever cared either. They were too busy being all 'WOOOOOO POOL !!!!'
*Epic cannonball splash*

Just sayin. (y)
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Not quite sure what we are going to do with Lanscaping.. It will be similar to what is in the initial concept. Either way Its gonna a have to be simple though we don't have alot budget lefT :)

Same here .. not much left for furniture or landscaping :).. was thinking eagleston holly behind

@Texasresident We decided to do Emarald Green Arborvitae to create privacy around the pool


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Plaster went in today!


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We finally made it to the finish line. Pool has been filled and started up today!!


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Question, on your toe tiles -- do you see grout between them or plaster?

They did ours and some parts are covered with plaster while others show grout. They are saying oh we will just clean the plaster out so you only see grout. I'm under the impression i shouldnt see the grout at all .

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