New Pool Build - Conroe, TX - LOTS of pics! Come say hi Y'all.

Thanks for sharing your pool pictures. Your pool is beautiful as always! I SO wish I had a heater! We still can't get in because it's so cold!OMG! I hope I never see a snake in my yard! One of our neighbor's had one caught in her garage door this past week. She had to get law enforcement to come get it. She lives on the perimeter of our development with a sort of undeveloped green belt behind her property. We recently considered buying a different house on the golf course, but seeing all these snake pictures is discouraging me from making that decision.[emoji51] I just couldn't stand it. You are braver than me. [emoji3] I hope you find something to keep them away. So glad your dog is okay. I had a dog that was bit once and survived. I know it's scary.

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Girl! I wish I could afford to heat it all the time, but it was fun for the weekend :) I hate snakes. Hate them. Before this, we had only seen 3 in almost 4 years. Which was too many! My neighbor's all have cats & no snakes. My allergies won't allow it :( Well, I'm actually considering it again and hoping the cat will want to be an outside cat.
Holy dilution batman! I haven't done a full battery of tests since last weekend. (Right before the floods) I did FC/PH daily but look at this.

CH went from 250 to 96
TA went from 90 to 70
CYA went from 40 to 30


My CH has always been high, I don't even have the stuff to raise it. Heading to the pool store tomorrow.
Holy dilution batman! I haven't done a full battery of tests since last weekend. (Right before the floods) I did FC/PH daily but look at this.

CH went from 250 to 96
TA went from 90 to 70
CYA went from 40 to 30


My CH has always been high, I don't even have the stuff to raise it. Heading to the pool store tomorrow.

Aww man! That stinks. ☹️ Not looking forward to that let of ownership.
Wendy - How do you use the Viper product to prevent snakes? Just spray it around the perimeter of the fence? I want to recommend this product to a few of my friends who have had snakes in their backyard.
If my wife sees even one snake in our backyard, she will probably want the entire yard paved with concrete :)
We use 2 ounces in a gallon and start at the base of the house (go all around the foundation first) then work your way out. Don't do it when it's wet or expecting rain. After its dry you can let your pets back out. Repeat every 6 weeks.
This weather!! 2 more tornado warnings last night/this morning- but I must have been exhausted- I slept right through them. We have power but no water (power out to the pump station - water company sending a crew to get the generators up)

You can't tell by this pic but my pool is full of limbs and trash. And a couple chairs. Power is out all around us so driving anywhere is a nightmare.

Ready for some sunshine and a fruity pool drink. image.jpg

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UGH! Hopefully your build will be back on track ASAP! My build was last year - started May 4th and we had tons of delays but man those PB work fast when it dries out some! You will be swimming in no time!!!!

My pool is 1 year old! We still love it and use it all the time. But I'm so stressed. Right after it was built, my builder asked our PT people to come out and look at some rough spots- I remember them coming out and working under water for a while. They said there was some uneven color and used something to even it out and did some buffing. They said they needed to bring out a different machine or something (I can't really remember it's been almost a year) anyway, I forgot about it. My builder did not. They texted and asked if PT (MMG) ever came and finished- I said no. Next day PT calls apologizes and says they have had some management changes and can they come out and re-evaluate.

They came out yesterday and said they need to to a drain, buff and acid wash.

I'm freaking out. It sounds like a really big deal.

Anyone had this done? Does it change your color? Lessen the life of your PT?
Wendy how do you feel about how your pool looks now? Are you happy with it?

If YOU are happy with the finish and look you do NOT have to allow them to do anything to it. Acid wash can/may lessen the life of the plaster. How much? I do not know............Try PMing OnBalance. He is our go to guy for plaster and such.

That is some great C.S. by your Pool Builder. Of course it would have been better if he had done it right afterwards but............LOL

I don't think it looks bad - there are spots that are lighter - they have been here since the beginning - but other than TFP people no one would ever even know what to look for. I would like the spots to be buffed - the corners of the seats and tanning ledge are very rough - I just wish they could do it without draining. They said they are going to talk to the main guy and see if they can maybe just do the buffing underwater - but there is a lot of it do. I will PM OnBalance and see what he says! Thanks Kim!
IM SO EXCITED!!!!! My PB called yesterday and asked if they can come do a video of the pool and if we would give a testimony!! Im so excited! Then I realized - he is going to chew me out for the deposits on my rock! EEK!

Needless to say working my butt off planting plants that I have been putting off for a year now. I wish there was a quick way to get my rocks clean . . .

But I just HAD to share! I will post it once I get it!
Hey Wendy! It's great to hear from you. A video of YOUR pool!!! That is so exciting! Your pool and area already looked video ready - I can't wait to see it after your plantings!

The video will be so fun to see, but don't make us wait. Give us lots of pictures as soon as you're finished wearing yourself out! Lol!!!

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