New Pool Buda (just south of Weird) Texas - November 2017

On the other hand, if the TA is correct, the pool water is very close to ideal, and you're actually in the middle of a bicarb startup. If it was mine, I'd be manipulating the PB (by not talking to him, or telling him I added acid but just hide each jug I said I added) so I could keep the pool in the bicarb startup! Keeping CH + TA = 500 will help that plaster last a long time :) (along with letting the pH drift up sooner rather than later).
Oh my bad, I posted my TA where my CH should have been and vice-versa. My TA is still high.
I will go back and fix the post. Sorry.

pH = 6.8
CH = 325
TA = 240

My test kit for TA says to use 25 ml of water
Then add 2 Drops of R-0007 and mix (I use the automatic stirring device)
Then add 5 Drops of R-0008
Then add one drop at a time of R-0009 (wiping off the top of the bottle after each drop) until the color changes to red.
Each drop of R-0009 is then multiplied by 10 to get TA

I get brief color change "flashes" starting at about 20 drops and complete change to red at 24 drops (in the last test) - so 24 X 10 = 240
OK, good, that explains it, and yes the 25 ml sample for TA is fine. When you were showing 325, that told me increments of 25, which would be the 10 ml sample. All good now.

Well, like Kim says, when there's warranty issues involved, you probably want to coordinate with the pool builder's intent, and that's probably an acid start. Kim posted the link with the various start-ups, and the acid start is the most common. The bicarb start makes the plaster last the longest, but is the least well-known among builders. The acid start gets the water clear and doesn't take much attention, so the PBs like it.

You're real close to a bicarb start now, except that you can't go back and get the main benefit of the first day. Maybe your PB would take a look at it if you printed it out. Then you can just let the pH drift up, which it should do quickly.
S L O W Chlorine Build Up - And A Question

In the morning of January 29th. one of the crew added 4 Tri-Chlor Tabs to the Pentair inline chlorinator.
I have run the pump almost 24/7 since then but at varying speeds.
Chlorinator has been set at Max most of the time since then.
I have only used the Safety Test in the TF-100 kit so far but the Chlorine has been very very slow to
come up.

Here is what I am seeing:
Evening of 1/29 - no trace
Morning of 1/30 - no trace
Evening of 1/30 - no trace
Morning of 1/31 - no trace

I cut the pump and opened up the chlorinator and the water did drain into the pipes.
I then turned the pump on a lower setting and saw that water was not entering the chlorinator.
I then bumped it up to a medium setting and was able to fill the tube. I re-capped the chlorinator once
the water was at the very tip-top of the tube and let the pump run on a higher speed all night long.

I bumped the speed up even higher this morning and then took a test a bit later.
I got a slight color change but not even yellow enough to call it .5.

I then ran the pump on that setting for the rest of the day and by this evening
I finally got to .5

Of course I was concerned about the slow build up (the pool has been full for a week now) - so after sunset I went to Pool Math and dialed in my current numbers and decided to simply add 1 gallon of 10% liquid chlorine. So now I know I have at least some decent level in the pool for certain.

So in the morning I will check my level again.

Now my question - should I simply turn off the in-line feeder off and begin to manage everything manually for now?

I am shy about adding CYA. Advice most welcome here. How fast should I introduce it?

I don't want to overdo it but I really want to move from Tabs to liquid anyway ASAP and then, once things are in a decent range, begin to use my Stenner pump for permanent chlorination.

This image makes me think of how very in the dark I have been and how much all of you good people at TFP have kept "enlightening" me. Thanks!!!!
Pretty nice - eh???

Pool at Night.jpg
As your water is pretty cold you may as well let those 4 tabs dissolve. It will take some time.

More important is to monitor pH. Is your builder doing that? If not, you need to. Keep it in the 7's.

Use Effects of Adding Chemicals in PoolMath to determine what CYA the tabs added. Probably not much. Do you have a volume for your pool yet? Please add to signature when you know.

Once your builder releases the water chemistry to you, add 30 ppm CYA via the sock method. Keep your FC at 3 ppm or above. Once your water is solidly in the 60F range I would think you will start up your Stenner.

Take care.
You are on the right track with the liquid chlorine. I would keep using that for the FC. Like Marty said you should just leave the tablets in the tube until they are gone. They will not hurt anything and will even add a little cya to your water.

See if you can get your PB to pony up for the powder CYA to have on hand when it is time to raise that level. When Marty talks about the "sock method" he means you have to find the cutest sock in the house to put the cya in. You put the powder in the sock(s), tie them off and hand them over the side of the pool right in front of a return. You can use a broom stick or such to hang them so they do not touch the side of the pool. Of course we needs pics of the cute socks :slidehalo:


Water temperature was 54 degrees.
Chlorine Drop Test:
6.5 TC
0.5 CC
6.0 FC
CYA Test:
CH Test 375
Ph Test 7.8
TA Test 160

Following tests added 1/4 gallon Muriatic acid to knock down the Ph some. Will add more if this doesn't get it on down. I am going to shoot for about 7.0 to try to get the TA down more. It is dropping (down from 240 after first acid addition to 160 so far).

Kim - I may have to steal one of my wife's cat socks for the CYA. I'm sure she would love that!!!!

Marty - I am awaiting my water bill (gulp) which should be here in a couple of days. I think that will give me my third point on volume. My best guess right now remains 23,750 gallons.

I tip my hat to both of you for all this super excellent advice. Now I'm off to find a sock!!!
Here is another job for you after you find a cute sock! Call your water people and tell them you just filled a pool. Some places will give you some money off if you tell them why you had such a big increase.

ADDING CYA - Can I Save a Sock?
Liquid vs. solid?
I was able to obtain some CYA but it is in liquid rather than solid form. So my wife’s cat sock may be spared. But is liquid OK to use and, if so, is there any special procedure for introducing it into the pool? If not, I will go with solid and kiss the kitty sock goodbye!

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The liquid is quite expensive compared to the powder.

The liquid is still solids in an aqueous solution. So you need to shake the bottle really well. And pour it into the skimmer with pump running, very slowly. You may have to add more water to the bottle and shake it to loosen any solids that settled to the bottom. Do not back wash your filter for at least a few days after adding.

Do not add the liquid directly in the pool. Any solids in the solution will fall to the bottom of your pool and stain it.

Take care.
To add to what Marty said above, it is hard to use just a portion of a bottle of liquid CYA. I'd only use it if you needed it all at one time.

I bought it and realized how thick it was and yet there is some that is separated at the very bottom. I had shaken it well, but had to use extra water in there to get it all out.

While more expensive for sure, I wanted the instant increase in my CYA and didn't feel like waiting for solids to dissolve at that time.

Maddie :flower:
The liquid is quite expensive compared to the powder.

The liquid is still solids in an aqueous solution. So you need to shake the bottle really well. And pour it into the skimmer with pump running, very slowly. You may have to add more water to the bottle and shake it to loosen any solids that settled to the bottom. Do not back wash your filter for at least a few days after adding.

Do not add the liquid directly in the pool. Any solids in the solution will fall to the bottom of your pool and stain it.

Take care.

Please follow this advice exactly. I dumped my liquid CYA in my pool directly, without shaking it up enough. This was before I found TFP. I can send you a picture of my stain if you don't believe us!! :(
SAVE the sock!!! That is a very cute sock! I had a pair just like that.........wore a hole in the bottom of them from wearing them so much.

Your wallet took a hit with the liquid cya but it does the job fast so..........up to you which way you want to go............use the liquid or take it back and get some power CYA from Lowes or such. Walmart will have some when they stock their pool section again but that could be a while yet.


I am going to use the liquid but in accordance with Marty's instructions. You just saved me from a pool stain and once again I am in your debt.


Actually I changed my mind - see the next post for why.

When I went to get the CYA, I asked for stabilizer and the guy handed me the liquid and I asked "This is CYA, right?" and he said "um hm".

So I thought I had a gallon of liquid CYA and that is what I intended to put in the pool skimmers. After learning here about possible stains, I wanted to carefully read the directions on the bottle as well. The first thing I did was to notice that it was NOT CYA! It was an "instant stabilizer" that was non-acid. A quick check of the ingredients showed that there was no CYA at all in this stuff.

So ... I drove back to the pool store and tell them that I want cyanuric acid in granular form. The guy goes to the shelf and hands me a tub of stuff - but this time I am wary and check the label and sure enough, it is regular dry acid for lowering Ph.

Finally I was able to explain that I wanted granular CYA and finally did get home with the correct product. But geeze ...!!!!!

So I got a sock and a pole and some plastic ties and put this together. I hung it directly in front of the return and now I wait. CYA Rig for pool.jpgCYA rig 2 for pool.jpg
If you want to speed it up some you can give it a squeeze every once in a while. When I need to add some CYA to my pool I just pour it in a sock and walk around in the pool with it and squeeze it all out then. NOT now while it is BURRR though :shock:

Once it is all dissolved wait a day for it to mix in real good then test to see where it leveled out at.

Just for future reference- Stabilizer= CYA. You can find the granular stuff at Wallyworld and Lowes, if that helps keep you outta that pool store. Sounds like they're not the place to go anyway, lol.

Maddie :flower:
That is a very attractive pool feature ya got there! (Hey, we're supposed to be supportive here, right?!) ;)

Yah, pool "professionals" are the devil! Don't get me started (or read virtually any post of mine, 'cause I rag on them constantly). Stick with TFP! I use Leslie's only because they have the best chlorine deal where I live. I don't ever ask them anything. Kudos for checking the labels! I only scanned over my liquid CYA label, which is why I didn't shake it well enough. My first, and worst, newbie mistake.

I love your coping. Awesome. Goes great with your pool color. Looks a bit like mine. If it's a sandstone, and you start to notice someday that its starting to get gritty, or flaking off a bit, check back in with me. I know how to fix that (hint, while sealer is good for the stone, it won't fix or prevent that particular problem). Of all the things I pretend to know about here, I actually do have some expertise when it comes to a solution for crumbling sandstone...

Question: I've read here often about hanging the sock in front of a return, away from the side. Why don't we put a CYA sock in the skimmer basket? Wouldn't that be easier, safer?

Scratch that. There seems to be a raging debate about adding anything through the skimmer. I'll leave that alone. Stick with what you got.

I believe you have to run the pump constantly until the sock is empty. Not sure if you received that instruction, or if that is even part of TFP's CYA-adding instructions.

Having stained my pool, I personally would not take any chances. CYA sinks, I believe. It did in my pool. I wouldn't put a sock of it in my pool without the pump circulating the water constantly until it was all dissolved. And frankly, I'd run the pump for a few days after that just to be extra careful, but that might be overkill.

Anyone else on that?

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