New Build In Simi Valley

Here are some photos from today. The first one is from the top of the slide. They are going to start pavers tomorrow and laid out the sand before they left on Friday. However, the big dog (Cody) has had a blast knocking over each one of the piles. The second picture is looking out from the top of the slide to the open space behind us. Maybe one day we will add a sitting area up there. Because the PB was off by 3 inches with matching to the existing raised patio they had to add some more concrete so the kids did not drown sitting in the spa. Now we have noticed we need to add another step to get out of the spa because it is so deep. This should be an interesting conversation tomorrow.

Beautiful! Do you ever get white dimpled objects arriving in your backyard?
LOL So they added 3 inches to the seating? I can see the "new" stuff on it. BUT the new stuff on the step looks like it is a LOT more than 3 inches! At least you caught it before plaster!

There was a build on here where they made the little step up steps big enough to be seats for shorter folks. One on each side so people could still get in and out with one being used as a seat.

I need a favor. Can people please measure from the floor of your spa to the waterline, from the top of the bench to the waterline, and from the top of your steps out of the spa to the waterline. Thanks.

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37 inches deep, 16 inches bench to water line and top of stair is 6.5 inches to water line. We are all super tall in my family and I wish it was a little deeper.
I need a favor. Can people please measure from the floor of your spa to the waterline, from the top of the bench to the waterline, and from the top of your steps out of the spa to the waterline. Thanks.

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41 inches deep from floor, 17.5 deep from bench, and 6.5 from top of stair to waterline. My youngest is 9 years old, average to short height for her age and her chin just sticks above the waterline when sitting on the bench. She thinks that it is the perfect height... lol. For what it is worth, I am 5 foot 10, and would not want it any deeper. If I had to do it over again, I would make the bench a bit taller so that I can comfortably put my arm over the coping. By the way, I love your build. I almost went with Swinks, and am so impressed on how much he has gotten done in such a short amount of time.

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Our measurements are 40" from spa floor to waterline, 18" from bench to waterline (although we have a slight slope on one of the benches to accommodate ppl of differing heights), 7" from step to waterline, and I had our PB build me an additional seat inside the spa that I call my "high chair" which is 11" from the waterline. I wanted the high chair so when I got too hot I could be elevated out of the water but not too far out of the water while also not blocking the entrance step. We weren't sure if it was going to mess up the flow of the spa but everyone always wants to sit there. We are all really happy with the way it turned out, especially for being an afterthought. Also, it's the only place we can comfortably rest our arms out on top of the coping, as APAPAZ2 mentioned.
Thanks everyone for measuring. We measured tonight and the benches and the step are about what everyone else has. But when they raised the benches and step they raised them 6" but they only raised the spa floor 3". So I think we will need something like the stool as a step.

Julie, the wife really likes the "high chair" idea.

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Ours is 38" from floor to waterline, and the benches are 18" and 21" to the waterline. We don't have a step.
To decide on our bench depths, we had our family members sit on a chair and we used a measuring tape to determine where the waterline would reach.
Sure, Kim. You're sweet to remember my spa seating dilemma. Here's a pic of the high chair I mentioned. It could have been done more elegantly if I had contemplated the need earlier in the project, but for an emergency fix it turned out OK, and we love the function. We had to choose its location in a way that would best avoid the already plumbed jets, otherwise I would have preferred to just make the entry step longer and not chopped up the benches as much.

Bing, I don't think you'll have to worry about having trouble stepping from the ground to the bench once the water is in. The buoyancy makes it really easy. It'll be harder stepping from the bench to the top step because most of your body will be out of the water at that point. I had that concern too and a friend pointed out to me how easy it is to climb or glide up on things when the water is making you feel light as air. He also reminded me that when there's water in the spa, your feet really never touch the floor unless you stand up (I also mention this because my high chair doesn't have a foot rest since it was an after thought, but it's not necessary). When I get out of the spa, my legs naturally and effortlessly shift from floating out in front of me to being curled up underneath me on the bench, and I just stand up from there. Nonetheless, the small lower step you're contemplating isn't going to take up much room at all so surely it won't get in your way if you choose to have it built.

I was just looking at the ground inside your spa and I only see 1 drain. Is there another one that's just not visible in the picture?



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