Multiple SLAM attempts

To me, green color has either meant algae (which I don't think you have) or iron??????

Do you fill from a well? Have you tested for iron?
I fill from city water. Iron shouldn’t be a problem. Progress was made last night. I can now see the bottom in the shallow end. So strange. Went weeks with little progress. Pool is starting to turn from green to the bluish color. Gonna keep on with the slam. I guess the filter process is that slow. I’m still concerned my filter is not functioning properly. I think the Seaklear clarifier has definitely helped aid the filter process. I was using skimmer filter socks. Since adding the Seaklear Chitosan clarifier the amount and density of what the socks are capturing is significantly more than before. Wish I would have thought to take pictures. I’ll likely take socks off and let filter do its thing now. They may not have have anything to do with each other but sure seems like the Sesklear is doing what it is supposed to do.

Hope to be posting success pictures in a few days!
TFP does not suggest clarifier. If often causes more complications but, in some cases (apparently yours included) it seems to work.

Check your filter media when your SLAM is done making sure you are not gummed up.

So progress from greenish to bluish is very good. Sounds like algae after all. Kee p the SLAM going ! :)
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in some cases (apparently yours included) it seems to work
Dave, I don't usually recommend clarifiers, and usually only with mud/silt etc. after most is clear. After three weeks, I felt it was time. I made sure he used a quality Chitosan clarifier.

For posterity, TFP does NOT recommend the general use of clarifiers. OP knows that and for anyone else that might read this...

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I understand. I wanted readers to understand that sometimes clarifiers work, (rarely ?) however, it is not included in TFP's suggested methods and I think you left little doubt about that.
To be fair, it was likely multiple suggestions on here that pushed the pool to this point.

• I recently lowered my pump speed to 1700 rpm in hopes to improve the filter efficiently.
• I only slightly opened my bottom drain valve to get more action at the skimmer at low rpm.
• Increased my backwash cycles to 5 psi above baseline. Test psi baseline/rise at 3000 rpm.
• Started dosing pool with chlorine every hour instead of 2-3 hours.
• Learned about adding DE to sand filter.

I started to notice some slight improvement. After a few days of very slow progress I decided to try the Chitosan Clarifier and within a day it immediately started to clear. I used a little less than recommended dose for a cloudy pool, two days a part so didn’t use much. As mentioned before, I definitely noticed an increase in what was getting caught by the skimmer sock. It was definitely a more dense material. I change out to new filter socks a couple of times a day to try and keep as much out of the filter as possible. I’m vacuuming to waste to bypass filter and give me one last small water exchange.

I’ve followed the TFP way since opening my pool 4 years ago, with zero issues. I’ve always had crystal clear water so never really had to learn the ins/outs of all things pool maintenance related. I’ve never needed extra chemicals, etc. While painful, this process was worth it to learn as much as I have along the way.

I’ll post final pics once clear and summarize all the steps of this thread in hopes it quickly helps someone else in a similar situation.

Thanks to all that helped along the way. I’ll be sure to make a pledge as this forum is worth every penny!
I’ll post final pics once clear and summarize all the steps of this thread in hopes it quickly helps someone else in a similar situation.
It's amazing how this theme repeats itself.

Being helped makes those who were helped want to help others too.

And :salut:
Noticed something that was likely a big cause of my problems. I had to repair a leaky check valve in my puck chlorinator. I lost prime while changing the fitting. When I went to prime the pump at 3000 rpm I was getting a lot of brown out of the returns! Once I noticed, I stopped the pump backwashed and rinsed. Now appears to be clean water coming out of the returns. Is this normal? I am thinking I need to backwash and rinse before I run any high RPMs. I’ve never noticed this before.

Likely didn’t notice this because water was so dirty, now that it’s clearing up I noticed this. This has never been a problem before. At this point I’m going to backwash and rinse every two days and add DE after.

I can’t test psi at 3000 rpm as it seems like it’s just bypassing the sand???? It turned my bluish pool back less blue / greenish in a matter of minutes. Arggghhh!
I follow the backwash process for the sand filter.
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Is this normal?
No, filters should not blow dirty water back into the pool.

I am thinking I need to backwash and rinse before I run any high RPMs. I’ve never noticed this before.
I run backwash and rinse at high RPM, no problem. Did you not rinse in the past couple weeks?
No, filters should not blow dirty water back into the pool.

I run backwash and rinse at high RPM, no problem. Did you not rinse in the past couple weeks?
Yes, I have been backwashing regularly since I started this process. If the filter shouldn’t allow dirty water to pass why would backwash frequency come into play. I opened my chlorinator and wonder if that created some kind of vacuum, the pulled the junk out of the sand into the return piping. Guess I need to familiarize myself with how a sand filter actually works on the inside.

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It may be that your spider gasket in the MPV got moved, displaced or damaged...then you moved it back into place.

Tie a sock over the return and run for a while and see what you get...

It could be the pump is too big for the Filter, but in your case, your filter is Plenty big.

It could also be cracked or damaged laterals. But if it stopped dumping stuff into the pool, my guess is the spider gasket.

Try the sock.
It may be that your spider gasket in the MPV got moved, displaced or damaged...then you moved it back into place.

Tie a sock over the return and run for a while and see what you get...

It could be the pump is too big for the Filter, but in your case, your filter is Plenty big.

It could also be cracked or damaged laterals. But if it stopped dumping stuff into the pool, my guess is the spider gasket.

Try the sock.
Holy F! So what could be the cause of this?

The last couple of days water is 95% where I believe it usually is in the past. I can see the screw heads on the bottom drains pretty clearly. Now that the water is clear I think I officially see what the problem is. While vacuuming the pool gets cloudy. How is this happening as you don’t change anything on the multi-port valve. Steps I take to vacuum:
- close bottom drain valve
- Turn pump up from 1700 to 2200 rpm for good suction.
- I felt like I could see a light haze coming out of the returns but write it off as paranoia with how difficult clearing the pool this year has been.
- I start vacuuming and it’s obvious the water clarity has went from clear to milky cloudy in a matter of 30 minutes.
- I have never had this problem before. As mentioned way earlier in this post I replaced the filter components, including the multi-port valve.

If the spider gasket is dislodged wouldn’t this be a problem at low rpm’s as well?

Only thing I can think to do is to remove the multi-port valve and inspect the gasket.
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Bad multi-port valves typically leak some water to waste, so check for that.

Could it be that your filter is simply doing what it is supposed to do... If the filter is rapidly filling with debris the clogged filter is simply bypassing the pressure on the multi-port Spring and blowing out unfiltered and debris laden water. However, this only happens when the filter is really dirty, or the spring is bad. Could be, but given the water clarity, I don't suspect this...but maybe the spring.

Your reported next step is the right one.
Bad multi-port valves typically leak some water to waste, so check for that.

Could it be that your filter is simply doing what it is supposed to do... If the filter is rapidly filling with debris the clogged filter is simply bypassing the pressure on the multi-port Spring and blowing out unfiltered and debris laden water. However, this only happens when the filter is really dirty, or the spring is bad. Could be, but given the water clarity, I don't suspect this...but maybe the spring.

Your reported next step is the right one.
It is a brand new oem Pentair multiport valve.
If it is new, that defies explanation.
Not following you. Are you implying because it’s new I shouldn’t have problems. All I know is I spent hours vacuuming as slow as possible only to wake up to a pool the next day with more “stuff” on the bottom. Backwashed after vacuuming and water is not nearly as dirty as I’d expect it to be as it seems to all be going back into the pool. Maddening as this has never been a problem.
All I know is I spent hours vacuuming as slow as possible only to wake up to a pool the next day with more “stuff” on the bottom.
Each time I see that description it is literally always dead algae that continues to die and settle to the bottom. The SLAM is the only practical way to fix it.
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Each time I see that description it is literally always dead algae that continues to die and settle to the bottom. The SLAM is the only practical way to fix it.
Let me be more specific. Pool was very clear. Could see the screws in my bottom drains. Have always used this as clarity test the last 4 years. By the time I was done vacuuming the pool was very cloudy. I went as slow as possible vacuuming. In my experience with this pool I’ve never had a problem vacuuming up dead algae. It like my filter was just passing through dirty water.

Very frustrating if this new multiport valve is the culprit. I tied a filter sock to a return to see what I get. I definitely see dirty water coming out of returns after backwashing and rinsing at 3000 rpm’s.

Thank the pool gods I went ahead and used Pentair union adapters for the plumbing to the multiport when I replaced everything.
Could see the screws in my bottom drains. Have always used this as clarity test the last 4 years
My personal fav test. You need to know that nobody snuck in and swapped them out for flat heads as a prank. No good punks always looking for a laugh. (y)

But alage is microscopic. It can be present with stoopid clear water. If you're finding dead alage then that is a chemistry problem, not a mechanical one.

A filter issue is a possible secondary problem *on top of*, not instead of. :)

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