Multiple SLAM attempts

How quickly is pressure rising from clean (14) to backwash PSI (18)? Said another way, after you backwash how long does it take for pressure to rise to 18?
Honestly, I don’t know to answer accurately. During this whole process it hasn’t risen very fast, as fast I would think it would with the condition of the pool. I have the Pentair SD80 filter. My filter guide says backwash at 10 psi above baseline. I have been going by the guage dial. I’ve only had to back wash once or twice. As others have said on here I should be backwashing after a 5 psi rise.
back wash once or twice
This is contributing to you cloudiness. You need to filter it out and get it out of the filter. Does your gauge go to 0 when you turn the pump off?

From the SLAM process>SLAM Process

  • Backwash or clean the filter when filter PSI increases by 25% over baseline.
.5 CC.

Pool water remains unchanged. Pool was raised nearly 2” yesterday from a lot of rain, but still looks unchanged from previous days.

• I brush the walls and bottom everyday
• I vacuum every second day

Am I missing something with my filter?
•I replaced multiport valve with OEM Pentair.
•I vaccumed out sand and replaced with proper spec’d pool sand.
•I replaced stand pipe and laterals.
•Nothing is leaking.
• I was running pump at 2500 rpms. After a recommendation to lower pump speed, I started at 20 GPM and raised until I get some decent skimmer action over flapper at 30 GPM. Pump is running a noticeably less RPM.
• I backwash at 3000 rpm and watch the water out of the backwash hose. The last couple of backwashes has been very little dirty water before turning clean. I’ve had worse backwash water when pool is clear. I rinse for 30 seconds to a minute after backwash.
• After adjusting pump speed I backwashed and rinsed. My starting psi was 1 psi. After adding DE it rose to 2 psi. It has been 2 days and hardly any rise in psi.
• I barely opened my bottom drain valve. Someone recommended 10%.

The psi on the filter isn’t raising hardly at all after 2 days of filtering. I’ve added DE until I get a 1 psi rise after backwashing. Sand isn’t blowing out of returns so I shouldn’t have a broken lateral. Even if I did, that shouldn’t affect the filtering process should it? None the less no sand coming out of returns.

Should I be backwashing every other day regardless of psi?

Draining the pool is not an option at this point. 80+ gallons of chlorine over the last month, something else has to be an issue. It has never taken this long to filter out. Last year it was a 4 day slam to perfect water.

Exercising POP is becoming increasingly difficult. In reading through forums, I’ve seen others, including myself, start with a swamp and have a clear pool in days with a sand filter.
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Have you scrubbed everything? Skimmer, walls, floors?
Have you removed the weir doors to check the foam for algae?
Do you have a ladder? Remove it and scrub inside the tubes. Leave it out.
Do you have a light? Have you removed and scrubbed the niche?
You have a main drain, you can't do it now with the inability to see the bottom, not safe, but when you can the main drain cover should be removed and you should scrub inside.
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Any sand in the pool? Water source for pool in municipal supply?

Can you post a few pics of pool from a few different angles including the equipment pad
Municipal supply
No sand in pool

.5 for ONCLT
0 for CC

Still green but seems to be clearing. We’ve had a few days of massive rainfall amounts. I’ve maintained slam this while time. This last week was an every hour adventure. Thank god I woke from home.

Added recommended dosage of Seaklear Chitosan Clarifier.

I’ll add the requested pictures. Pool may be clearing a little. I can now barely see my vacuum head on the bottom, so I’ve had a little progress.

Still think I have a filter/mexhanical issue which would be very disappointing as I replaced the multi-point and replaced sand with the amount Pentair requires. Pump is in good working order.

When I backwash dirty water doesn’t come out like it used to, especially with this green of a pool. I vacuum everything other day, brush, etc etc. I’d think I’d be able to see if filter is being bypassed with what is coming out of the returns.
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Municipal supply
No sand in pool

0 for ONCLT
0 for CC

Still green but seems to be clearing. We’ve had a few days of massive rainfall amounts. I’ve maintained slam this while time. This last week was an every hour adventure. Thank god I woke from home.

Added recommended dosage of Seaklear Chitosan Clarifier.

I’ll add the requested pictures. Pool may be clearing a little. I can now barely see my vacuum head on the bottom, so I’ve had a little progress.

Still think I have a filter/mexhanical issue which would be very disappointing as I replaced the multi-point and replaced sand with the amount Pentair requires. Pump is in good working order.

When I backwash dirty water doesn’t come out like it used to, especially with this green of a pool. I vacuum everything other day, brush, etc etc. I’d think I’d be able to see if filter is being bypassed with what is coming out of the returns.
Silly question: Is the new multiport valve set to “filter” and not recirculate?
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Silly question: Is the new multiport valve set to “filter” and not recirculate?
At this point I’d gladly admit I F’d that up, but sadly no. It’s been on Filter the entire time. I’ve never adjusted this multi-port or previous multiport with pump on.

I just backwashed and no dirty water, nothing. Started clear at sight glass and end of backwash hose clear and remained clear after running on backwash for a few minutes. I rinsed for about a minute. Last backwash was Wednesday.

Starting PSI is 21 at 3000 rpm. I’ll monitor PSI of filter a little more closely. It is definitely rising over time but not much.

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Any sand in the pool? Water source for pool in municipal supply?

Can you post a few pics of pool from a few different angles including the equipment pad?
Pics taken just now


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At this point I’d gladly admit I F’d that up, but sadly no. It’s been on Filter the entire time. I’ve never adjusted this multi-port or previous multiport with pump on.

I just backwashed and no dirty water, nothing. Started clear at sight glass and end of backwash hose clear and remained clear after running on backwash for a few minutes. I rinsed for about a minute. Last backwash was Wednesday.

Starting PSI is 21 at 3000 rpm. I’ll monitor PSI of filter a little more closely. It is definitely rising over time but not much.
My filter runs at 1800rpm 24x7. Its good to check it at the higher RPM but dont filter at that speed. Did we already rule out grocery store clorox bleach with fabric softeners?
When someone comments on my puck chlorinator. I DO NOT use pucks, unless I’m going out of town and can’t get the neighborhood pool boy to add chlorine when I’m away. I’m a TFP / liquid chlorine soldier. Have most of my neighbors on the system. But now I can’t get my pool clear. Lol
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My filter runs at 1800rpm 24x7. It’s good to check it at the higher RPM but dont filter at that speed. Did we already rule out grocery store clorox bleach with fabric softeners?
10% pool chlorine. Chlorine is fine as it raises my ppm as expected. Yes I’m hoarding the dead chlorine soldiers.

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Someone else mentioned I should monitor psi baseline and rise at 3000 rpm
It's easier to see the change at a higher PSI.

My rig runs ar 3 to 5 psi at 1200 RPMs or 20+ at full throttle. Seeing 20ish to 25ish is easy where 3ish might be 5 on its own. Lol.

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