Leaving in ground spa for a couple weeks


Active member
Sep 14, 2015
Los Angeles
I have an in-ground spa with a waterfall overflow. We are going on vacation for a couple of weeks. What is the best way to maintain it while I'm gone? Can I shock and leave it or is that too long? Also, due to the waterfall PH has a tendency to rise quickly.

Any help is much appreciated.

Is it covered? An 8 mil solar cover would help slow pH rise and FC loss. Turn the temp down if it stays hot. Below 90 is good, below 80 is better. Lowering PH to 7.2 and raising FC to shock level for your CYA, [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]. Putting some trichlor pucks in a floater will help maintain FC and help lower PH.

To help slow pH rise moving forward you can lower TA to 50 and add 50 ppm of borates. More about that here, How do I use Chlorine in my Spa (or pool)?
It will be covered 12 mil cover (though I can't cover the overflow basin) I'm in LA so I don't leave the heat on. It should be in the 70's.

Should I put the floater in the basin or the spa?

Will the trichlor mess up my cya?

Well, looking in the effects of adding chemicals section of PoolMath a 3" 8 oz trichlor puck will add 50 ppm FC and 30 ppm CYA to 1100 gallons. So, that isn't such a good idea. I have seen some smaller pucks but I don't remember where. Lowes or Academy probably. I would put it in the basin.
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