last year vs this years numbers


May 24, 2015
Staten Island New York
5/18 ------- 5/19
fc-15.5 ------ fc-5
ta-90 ------- ta-50
cc-0.5 ------- cc-0.5
ch-50-------- ch-25
ph-7.4 ------- ph-7.4
cya-30 ------- this year cya right to the top of the tube and can still see black dot.

my question is can my cya regent gone bad? or all my regents stale I bought the at the beginning of last season and stored them in the basement for the winter I use a tf-100 test kit what puzzles me is I was under the understanding that the cya level wouldn't drop without draining and adding fresh water my pool neither lost or gained any water over the winter.
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