Imagine Illusion 40 Complete 10/19/21

So I should probably add some baking soda to bump the TA a tad n see if it increases the pH a little.
Pool math means well. She knows how the average LC / SWG pool responds. You know how your pool responds. Thank pool math for her concern and ignore it.
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So I should probably add some baking soda to bump the TA a tad n see if it increases the pH a little.

No, pH of 7.5 and TA of 80 is perfectly fine.

Adding baking soda will just start you yo-yoing your TA and pH.

There is nothing better in different TA or pH numbers.

Leave it be.
What She Said GIF by The Free Mama
Will either of these 2 products work? I'll take pics of the scratches tomorrow n post them.

I have never used either, but I do like Mequiar's line of products. Either of those should be fine. Just go lightly, It is like a car. don't use rubbing compound when polishing compound will work, don't use polishing compound when wax will work.
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I have never used either, but I do like Mequiar's line of products. Either of those should be fine. Just go lightly, It is like a car. don't use rubbing compound when polishing compound will work, don't use polishing compound when wax will work.
I'm going to use a small amount in an inconspicuous area.
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Did some landscaping today. Didnt get it all finished but I put a dent in it.


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I'm going to use a small amount in an inconspicuous area.

I am not sure what is in the compound, try to keep it from getting in the water. As you use it it dries, and comes off in a powder. So put something under it to catch the stuff.

On a side note, what ended up being the issue with the SWG?
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Warm weather is coming. I see next week in Jersey its gonna be warmer and you are on the same latitude as me so get er ready!! BTW for those int he Northeast, is it me or does it seem that we are getting higher winds almost constantly all the time the last couple of years? I should put a wind turbine in for God's sake!!
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BTW for those int he Northeast, is it me or does it seem that we are getting higher winds almost constantly all the time the last couple of years? I should put a wind turbine in for God's sake!!

Been windy the last 2 weeks on the golf course. Seems to be settling down.
It's very windy here today.

I'll have to ask builder what he actually replaced. It's working perfectly right now.
Warm weather is coming. I see next week in Jersey its gonna be warmer and you are on the same latitude as me so get er ready!! BTW for those int he Northeast, is it me or does it seem that we are getting higher winds almost constantly all the time the last couple of years? I should put a wind turbine in for God's sake!!

I said the same thing to my wife after I had to retrieve some firepit chair cushions from across the yard. Why is it so windy lately. It does seem that we get windy weather on a regular basis now.
Just finished my Pool Rules sign. Attached to fence with eye bolts n s hooks. Can be moved. It's also a noodle holder.


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