How much drain Intex pool for closing?


Well-known member
May 25, 2023
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Intex Krystal Clear
Haven't seen a definitive answer here. Everything for AGPs talk about 6" below the skimmer which Intex AGPs don't have of course. I am thinking to just gravity drain below the lowest port, which is draining about 12". Does that seem reasonable? Thank you!
With no skimmer to worry about protecting, you have options. You could leave the port(s) open and let water drain out (unless they freeze shut), or you could plug those ports and let snow & rain just fill up the pool anyway. Also depends on if you are using a cover and/or which type since they put more stress on the walls by puling inward. Keeping enough water to support the walls is important, but even if you lowered 12" you should be fine.
Intex pools have (2) intakes and (1) return. Regardless if they have been upgraded to 1.5" piping like mine or "stock", plug them with the appropriate devices to deter leaks. As noted, I do not remove any water. I disconnect all my plumbing and bring it in my garage. When I put it together, I placed couplers in strategic places to make the pieces easier to manage. I bring in my pump as well. The sand filter stays on its pad, drain and move the lever to winter. I clean the pool of any debris and remove any items such as ladder, toys, etc. Bring your water chemistry to roughly pH 7.4-7.6, Alkalinity 100-150 ppm, Calcium hardness 175-225 ppm, chlorine 1-3 ppm. Cover, secure cover. Sing a lullaby. You have a wide variety of choices: Rock-a-bye-Baby, Twinkle-Twinkle-Little-Star, Cradle Song, Hush Little Baby, just to name a few or one of your own favorites. :love:

Over the course of the winter, I'll also bring out a cover pump to remove excess water that is sitting on the cover.

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Here's pictures from someone in a post I had of what you can buy to plug the 3 spots. The ones I ended up with looked fatter that those ones though fwiw. Try a local pool store or a hardware store to pick them up if you're in a hurry, or Amazon. Just did this myself and didn't drain any water so the water can support my cover that's just the right size for the pool.

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I ended up draining below the return but above the intakes. I wanted a little padding for extra weight from the snow, which we didn't get a lot of this year anyway. the black hats kept the water out, but not the ice, fwiw. had ice coming out of the intakes, which was concerning to me. But when it thawed, the black hats stayed in place and didn't leak water. Nothing seems worse for the wear. I guess I'll stick with what works!
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