First Ever Pool - Above ground bestway 4.2m slice of heaven

I get very emotionally attached to inanimate objects bmoreswim... :) Its something I've done since childhood.... You should see me when I sell a car.... I bawl like a three year old... This wheelbarrow, has done the hard yards for my family, she's always ready to work, doesn't She's got a flat tyre, and can still haul dirt.... :) It's more reliable than some of my family.... lol..... Its not an Australian thing, its a big girl thing....
I know I made a comment about that poor ol' wore out wheelbarrow, but if it was mine, I would never get rid of it. That thing definitely has 'character' written all over it. I love the beat up old thing! It reminds me of me. Except for the pink.

You can get a new wheelbarrow if you want to, but dont you dare get rid of that one! Use it as decoration to hold some flower pots or something else creative and pretty! She deserves it!

They still haven't installed this poor pool!

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Great, productive day today... Even though I had both the kids home from school today sick, I still managed to get stuff done...

Ryan the electrician showed up promptly... I was very impressed... It only took him a couple of hours and now I have power outside out the front....

This is an Australian switchboard.... A very small one..

This is the hole he drilled in my wall.....

This is the end result....

All set for spring time... One more thing that's out of the way.....
Got a really long spirit level from a friend this morning, and I was planning on doing a lot of work on the yard today, but I've had so many visitors and its already 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and I run out of sunlight at 5pm, so I'm only going to get a little bit done today... Hopefully I can level one of these sleepers all by myself, as hubby is wrestling with his wrestling group for most of the day and night, so I'm on a solo mission today.....
Ok, just working out the math for how many pieces of insulated foam I'm going to need.... The foam is 2500mm long x 600mm wide x 30mm thick.... The area I wish to cover is just the very bottom of the pool where the liner meets the ground.... The footprint I need to fill is 5500mm x 2750mm.....

To make it fit a little better, I'll use 10 full pieces plus two extra to fill in the space at the end.... So a total of 12......
OK...YAY....:lookhere: I've won the projector screen that I was bidding on, on eBay... :) Happy Birthday to my hubby in two weeks... :)

This is the type of screen I got him, after weeks and weeks of research, I decided on this type of screen.....

I went with one that I can machine wash and that doesn't require any power... :) Its also completely waterproof and seeing that its right next to the pool, I can leave it up all the time and it doesn't matter if the kids splash water on it.... :) And I got it for half price....

Its pretty cool... I can string it across the pool like a volleyball net if I want to and it will project both sides of the screen..... How cool is that???

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YAY, I love it when stuff shows up all on the same day..... I'm still slowly putting things together....

Wow that was fast postage... :) Dave's birthday present showed up early this morning.... :) And like everything I buy on the internet.... Oh My God, its HUGE... :) It came with Ocky Straps (Australian for those little stretchy little bungy cords with hooks) its pronounced like Cocky.... lol :) Short for Octopus... Ocky - Octopus....

I didn't want to open it, as its a present, but its Dave's Birthday next week, so I'll be sure to post pics when its on the wall.....

And my ball valves showed up today.... :) Hayward heavy duty ones.... These are ALSO HUGE.... My pool this year is going to be so much overkill.... LMFAO...

I put my large strainer next to it for size reference.....

They're Hayward brand, and they're SO HEAVY DUTY..... And I managed to get 5 of them for $6 each..... So much cheaper than home.....

We also received some bad news last week.... Dave's contract is up as of the end of this month, so he's looking for work again :-( They've decided to move his department to another state, and we can't move due to the specialised care Samson receives here, so things are going to be tight again for a while.... :-(
Hope he finds a job soon! I know when Jim was off due to his accident, I didn't know what I was going to do at times! I had even considered selling the pool to live. I hate those really hard times!
Thank you Ladies... :) We should be ok... I'm a pretty good budgeter... I've had to be......

Well, Dave has decided its time to maybe put the projector in the TV room, because we don't seem to watch TV... There's a good reason for that, Australian TV sux...

So now we are clearing out the lounge room of three pieces of furniture... Our huge entertainment unit where our 55" plasma TV sits... We have to have the plasma up high or Samson could put something through the screen... This has always been an issue.... So its time to get rid of it. The screen material I've bought, can be washed with soap and water, and if he puts a hole in it, its easy and cheap to replace....

Here is the link....

We are also removing two bookcases full of DVD's that hardly ever get played anymore, as we mostly use files through the home network..... I'm turning one of our computer into a dedicated media centre.... So I'm spending the afternoon converting the movies that aren't already on a hard drive....

Its 3 PASS blockout fabric which is the best you can get.... And its only $7.30 a metre.... So I bought 4 metres... The screen will be 2.4m x 1.4m high.... We are going to hang the projector from the roof, so Samson can't reach it... I'm going to hang the screen almost totally across the TV room wall... Very cool.... I just need to head back to Bunnings and buy the wood, brakets, a staple gun, some glue and some screws, and I'll have built a kick-arse screen... :)

Now our 10 year old is ecstatic.... He now gets the 42" LCD TV that we currently have in our bedroom, and we move the 55" plasma TV into our bedroom, I'm pretty stoked about that to be honest....:) We have surround sound in the bedroom already so its going to be awesome....
I'm busy converting all my DVD's to MP4's today, so I can pack up the TV room.... I'm going to build a new PC tower, and turn it into a media centre..... We went outside today with Dave's Stretch Screen..... It's going to be a bigger pain in the arse than I thought....

This is the wall the screen will be going on... Its not exactly a great shape.....

Now here in lies the problem... My pool is 52" high, the projector is going to be attached to another 3 metre sleeper that's buried 60cm into the ground and cemented in.... I will screw a platform onto the top of the sleeper to put the projector.... The projector will be 2.4 metres above the ground... I have to have it that high as it has to throw the image over the pool.... Now I have to have the screen a minimum of 52" off the ground so it won't be obscured by the top of the pool..... The screen is odd shaped, but I've still decided to build a frame for it.... I'm going to use extruded Square aluminium... Its cheap, light and I can connect it easily with plastic fittings to make it any shape I like.... For the stretchy screen my frame will be 5m x 4m....

Because the screen has loops sewn into it for the hooks, I'm going to buy some white cord from a fabric store, and I'm going to string it inside the frame like a trampoline.... :) It will also mean I can leave it up or take it down easily.... :) Will post pics when its done...
Yay, I'm so excited... I've just purchased my projector from Amazon.... :) I saved $230.00 on the projector alone and THAT'S INCLUDING POSTAGE...:)

I got an Acer H5380bd... So I now have two screens, one for inside and one for outside, I just have to build the frames.... The material for the inside screen will be here next week... The projector was out of stock, but I ordered it anyway so it may take a few weeks to get here... I'm cool with that....

I managed to get it for $538 delivered...

This is what they were charging me in Australia for the exact same thing...

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