Deposit Placed for April 2018 start In-ground Viking fiberglass. Many questions!


Bronze Supporter
Jan 6, 2018
Southcentral Indiana
Hi all-

Thanks very much for your time and consideration! Will try to keep this brief :)

We placed our deposit this week for a new in-ground Viking fiberglass pool with a start date nearing end of April 2018. They are an extremely reputable company with many, many installs in our area. Usage will be limited to 95% adults. We chose fiberglass for a variety or reasons and are happy with all of them except the inevitable compromise on shape and dimensions.

I was a diver and swimmer growing up so I'm looking for something that will provide exercise as well as possibly diving. Our toughest decision is should we purchase a diving pool or more of a entertainment/recreational pool? Ideally we'll be doing a lot of both. I would love to hear thoughts/regrets one way or the other on getting a diving board - this is one of our main sticking points. Deep end pool w/board or models that gradually slope.

Here is what we're leaning towards and we would certainly appreciate any advice relating to the pros and cons of our choices:

-We have practically unlimited space, so we're going big. We are considering a Viking freeform Venice (16'x40' with 3'10"-8'6" depth), Caribbean (16'x40' with 3'6-6' depth), and Oceania (16'x42' with 3'-7' depth) and also a Viking rectangular Island Breeze II (16'x40' with 3' 6"-8'6" depth) and the Barcelona (16'x38' with 3'6"- 7' depth).

Features we have decided on (I think?):

-Variable Speed Pump
-125 electric Heat Pump (no gas available)
-Leap Frog mineral/chlorine system w/Canister Cartridge filter.
-4xLED color changing lights
-4x water streams.

Have landscaper coming out next week for a 3d computer landscape design. Any advice there?

Thoughts? Red-flags? Thanks so much!! I promise to update with pictures as construction progresses!
Welcome to TFP!!:handwave:

First red flag - "-Leap Frog mineral/chlorine system"

Skip the mineral system. You either want a salt water chlorine generator or a liquid chlorine system (Stenner Pump).

When they start digging order a TF100 . That will probably give you enough reagents for a couple of years normal use.

The only other real option for a test kit is a Taylor K-2006. Be careful comparing prices because the K-2006 comes in sizes, designated by a letter. The basic K-2006 has .75oz bottles. You need to get the K-2006-C to get the larger bottles that you want. Even then it is a little short on the reagent & powder for the FAS/DPD test.

I also have the SpeedStir and Sample Sizer. They speed testing and accuracy.

How much Pool School have you read? Start with these:
ABCs of Water Chemistry
Recommended Pool Chemicals
How to Chlorinate Your Pool

So again, welcome to TFP!!
Thanks so much for the quick response! I have done my homework :) I've seen the pictures of bleach bottles lined up next to a (formerly) green pool on this site before we decided to put down $.

We currently have a 500gal hottub that I finally switched from Bromine to Chlorine after 5 years and I've been happy - much less work and I drain the water way less. I also started using one of those drop-in mineral sanitizers and I swear it helps. Are they really snake oil?? That was one of the reasons for me to consider the mineral system!

I was put off of the SWG due to the auto-track and rust considerations on the advice of 2 different PBs.

I definitely plan on getting a real testing kit once we get the permits - hate the colored strips! Off to research Stenner Pumps...
We have the Poseidon and are very happy with it (pics below in my sig). Do some searching from the top of this page for "mineral" and you'll see a ton of warnings about how such products increase the copper/iron levels in water. Those minerals eventually build to a point they react with chlorine and cause things like pool staining, colored hair, water color changes, etc. Once metals are in - they are in until you replace the water. Regular bleach, added either manually or via stenner pump and/or the use of a SWG is all you need for proper chlorination. Along with Tim's notes above, which type filter/size are you getting? That's another important issue.

Welcome, and nice to have you with us.
Your use of mineral sanitizers, whether in the pool or spa, can cause blonde hair to turn green and stain the surfaces.
In your spa, since you drain it often I suspect, it may not get to the level that those things occur. But it also masks your assurance that the pool is sanitary.
See Alternative sanitizers and pools--The Truth!!

Realize that all pools are salt pools. If you use liquid chlorine, you will have 1000+ ppm of salt in the water after a fairly short time. All forms of chlorine add salt, excluding Cal-Hypo which adds calcium.

The corrosion of the metal parts in the autocover are because people do not manage their pH. Manufacturers sold SWCG as a panacea, and pool owners thought they could just not test and manage their water with them. That is not correct, you still must test and manage your pool water, but instead of lugging jugs of bleach every day, your SWCG creates the chlorine.

Do some reading as suggested above.

Take care.
Smart decision with the autocover. Not cheap, but in my opinion, worth every single cent. Just the heating / energy savings alone make it worth it, let alone all the other benefits.

As far as diving boards...I posed the same question question a while back and rec'd these responses. Might be a good place to start:
Thoughts on diving boards.

Looking at your different pool options, I don't know that I'd be completely comfortable with a diving board with any of them. Especially for adults, I'd want a minimum of at least 9.5 ft. of water depth (not pool depth).
Ugh. I really thought I was getting close (I clearly am not) as this is all still very new to me - thanks for being gentle :) Read the mineral warnings - that's correct on my hottub I do change the water out at least every 3 or 4 months. It did seem to help with PH swings too (IMO) but I sure don't plan on refilling my pool that often.

So we were going to sign something last year with the PB and life got in the way - just got around to comparing the 2017 vs 2018 pricing and there is no mineral system! Interesting considering the hard sell. I will remember that... thanks very much all. Good news is the SWG is cheaper. However I'm not sure salt and PH/moisture affect rust generation - above my paygrade but I'm guessing it would behoove me to learn! I just want to sit in a pool (yes I know what my earlier post said) and drink! :D

Texas Splash: Loved the Posiedon install! I hope our pool turns out as well! That is another model we were considering but like I said was trying to keep it brief :) How often do you find you or guests are in the far 7' end? Do you find the increased usable standing real estate is utilized? How often are the benches used? Thanks so much!

I believe the cartridge filter is paper and ~320SF but will have to double check. Thanks another thing I should have thought of but didn't!
Ugh. I really thought I was getting close (I clearly am not) as this is all still very new to me - thanks for being gentle :) Read the mineral warnings - that's correct on my hottub I do change the water out at least every 3 or 4 months. It did seem to help with PH swings too (IMO) but I sure don't plan on refilling my pool that often.

So we were going to sign something last year with the PB and life got in the way - just got around to comparing the 2017 vs 2018 pricing and there is no mineral system! Interesting considering the hard sell. I will remember that... thanks very much all. Good news is the SWG is cheaper. However I'm not sure salt and PH/moisture affect rust generation - above my paygrade but I'm guessing it would behoove me to learn! I just want to sit in a pool (yes I know what my earlier post said) and drink! :D

Texas Splash: Loved the Posiedon install! I hope our pool turns out as well! That is another model we were considering but like I said was trying to keep it brief :) How often do you find you or guests are in the far 7' end? Do you find the increased usable standing real estate is utilized? How often are the benches used? Thanks so much!

I believe the cartridge filter is paper and ~320SF but will have to double check. Thanks another thing I should have thought of but didn't!
So use a Stenner Pump It injects chlorine and is nearly as perfect as a saltwater system with no salt issues
So use a Stenner Pump It injects chlorine and is nearly as perfect as a saltwater system with no salt issues

Except that liquid chlorine adds salt to the water! Granted, unless you live in the desert like me, it typically tops out at 1000 ppm or so, but do not think there is not an elevated salt level in your pool if you use liquid chlorine.

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Except that liquid chlorine adds salt to the water! Granted, unless you live in the desert like me, it typically tops out at 1000 ppm or so, but do not think there is not an elevated salt level in your pool if you use liquid chlorine.
Fair enough my point simply was there significantly less salt using liquid chlorine vs a saltwater generator and with all the splash out and lower in the water for winter my levels have never gotten close to a thousand...but every pools unique so your points are valid
How often do you find you or guests are in the far 7' end? Do you find the increased usable standing real estate is utilized? How often are the benches used? Thanks so much!
We love this design. The layout worked out perfect for us because late in the day, the sun setting to the west falls behind the pool, so as we sit on the benches the sun is at our back (not blinding us) and we can face the back of the house, chat, and have a cold one. :cheers: Guests do swim to the deep end, but typically everyone seems to either play games or just relax where they can stand or sit - excluding the occasional cannonball of course. Our design does also have a toe ledge all around the pool, so even if someone isn't a great swimmer or just plain tired, they can stand on that ledge anywhere which is nice. We like the shape and length which is nice for lap swimming as well.
Another point to think about is insurance and liability. Some have reported that their insurance companies have indicated higher premiums or even policy cancellation if a diving board were included in the pool.

As to what real estate gets used the most, I find the areas above waist deep, but still standing get used the most.
Lose the minerals!

Get the deepest, biggest and longest you can find!! If you don't get a diving board you'll still have a pool folks can dive off the deep end into and feel safer. My pool doesn't allow for diving at all (boohoo!) so it would put you more at ease safety wise if you didn't have to worry so much about depth when folks are diving and the connonball contests begin.

Autocover is great (pricey but great)

Maddie :flower:
Thanks very much for all the thoughtful replies I've learned a great deal. Here's the latest:

We had the landscaping company out to measure and take pictures. We are meeting with them on the 31st to see the design - they had a cool 360 degree camera I'm looking forward to seeing the results! I will be sure to share them here. The mineral system has been scrapped and replaced with a SWG. We reached out prior to my post to our insurance and they were only concerned about the total value it would add to the house, not at all concerned with the diving board (St.F.).

We landed on the Viking Island Breeze II with the diving board. Here is what we're looking at:
-Auto cover w/undertrack option
-125,000 electric heat pump (electric is our only utility - we're in the country)
-Saltwater chlorine system
-4xLED color change lights
-4xdeck jets mounted on one side of pool
-Basketball net

My questions are: do I need 4x LED lighting or would less suffice? It's not a lot of money but it all adds up. Does it ever... Also, is the heat pump enough/too much for my pool? (22,000g). We are also wrestling with the concrete options speaking of money adding up. We are looking at both stamped and pavers - does anyone have any practical advice on the pros and cons as an owner? Again - thanks very much will post design pics ASAP!
I didn't see anyone mention it above so on the SWG make sure to get one at least 2x the size of your pool. You would want one rated for at least 40k gallons.

I do like the look of stamped concrete but I went pavers for my pool mainly because I did not want to take a chance on anyone slipping and getting hurt.

I have 4 LED color changing lights in my 20 x 48 pool, all along the 48' side. I don't think I would have been happy with less lights.
CI - What type of lights are you referring to in the 4 color changing LED's? Full size or nicheless?

You can see our build thread (link in signature) for details on our basketball hoop. It's a good one if you want portable heavy duty hoop with breakaway type feature (the whole backboard not the rim like a land-based system though). Another good option is a new construction stainless steel two-post system. You must decide ahead on this one since it needs anchors and to be bonded.

One additional note on insurance. Does the "OK" on your insurance for a diving board also apply to your excess policy? If it doesn't find out on that too. I asked and all was good, so I thought. It was ok with base policy but not our $xM excess policy. If you don't have an excess policy, now is the time before you install the pool.

I didn't take the time to look up your pool designs. If you want to post up pictures of the shapes with sizes/names, that might get some additional responses. But maybe you don't want more since you've decided! Kim (our high energy moderator/cheerleader) can lock up the pool shape decision if you want her to. She hasn't stopped by on your build yet, but I'm sure she'll post up along the way.

We have a diving board and enjoy having it. It was just a given for me. That's a standard feature of a pool in my mind. But we have no waterfall, spa, deck jets, etc. All just personal decisions. We did go with an autocover and have appreciated that.
Just adding a confirmation that in my experience if you love to dive, you've made the right decision on the diving board ;)

I throw lots of parties too but I actually also use my pool every single day. The diving is for ME, since that's still the majority of use ;)

Regarding 125k btu, in my opinion, that is not oversized for your pool at all in your location. Mine is gas 266k btu and at 24,000 gallons, that might net me a degree+ a bit an hour. I'm further north than you, but I. Guessing you have similar night and shoulder temps.
Hi! there! Sorry I am just now finding this awesome build thread. What a fun time in your life!!! It can be a bit overwhelming for sure but listen to what these fine folks are telling you and you will have the best pool for your yard!

With that size of pool I would keep the lights. You don't want any dark areas when you swim at night. Night swimming is the best! SO relaxing and calming after a days work.

I would love to see where this pool is going.


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