Approximate Install Cost

Getting actual complete build numbers probably won’t help you as much as you think because every situation is different.
In general, if you can separate the cost of the pool, equipment, electrical (this is usually separate), install, & dirt work you will have a better understanding of what the quotes mean & who is charging more for what.
An all in one solution for the above factors will generally cost more than separating them out. You pay for convenience/less headache.
Cost factors:
Pool brand/ quality (be sure to compare apples to apples)
Is the Install included with purchase or separate?
The amount of digging involved in site prep (usually an inch or two is included & you are charged by the inch thereafter if install is included in the purchase price)
For instance it cost me an extra $500 usd to partially bury my pool on one side paid directly to the people who did the work.

Try shopping that pool size online to get an idea of the cost of the pool itself with various brands.
Then price out the other equipment & work involved.

A little more detail about what you’re looking for might be helpful & narrow down your options.
How long do you intend to have the pool for?
Do you plan on having a saltwater chlorine generator?
Will it be buried at all?

Here’s the main types of permanent above ground pool listed from cheapest to most expensive-
* Steel wall with steel or aluminum top rails
* Hybrid (steel wall with resin top rails/uprights)
* Fully Resin (resin top rails/uprights & walls)
* fully Aluminum with interlocking panels
* Radiant/hydrosphere style/semi inground
* fully Aluminum with interlocking panels
This is what I inherited after moving. The parts buried in the ground came out looking brand new after 17 years and it was a tank.

I'm also a big fan of the resin pools. The more of it that won't ever rust, the better.


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