120v Stand Alone SWCG?


Gold Supporter
Aug 23, 2021
Austin, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-60 Plus
I'm looking to add a SWCG to my pool. It's an above ground with 120v available at the equipment (see list below). I'd like your suggestions as to a good 120v standalone (no smart panel here, just a wall plug) generator.
Circupool RJ45.
You will need a timer for the SWCG unless you run the pump 24/7
Appreciate it! Thoughts on the best place to pick one of these up? I have the VS pump doing its own timing so I'll need to program the timer for the SWCG to be as close as possible.
You can get the RJ60. Likely the electronics will fail before the plates wear out. Up to you on cost. The circupool units tend to be overrated on FC creation in their advertisements. The RJ45 should get you 1.5 lbs Cl per day. The RJ60 2.0 lbs Cl per day. That is at 100%, 24 hour generation.
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Thank you both, will check out that link @Texas Splash, I have my VS programmed using its internal timer. Won't be super hard to get a smart plug set up to operate the SWCG and rely on the flow switch for protection (ex: power goes out, VS pump timing resets itself). Never really considered running the pump 24/7...not a bad thought.
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Happy to report I've had my RJ-60+ up and running for a week now. Dialing it in at about 60% with my current pump timing (running about 7hr a day overnight). Seems to be holding a nice 4.5-5.5 in this crazy Texas heat. Thanks for the suggestion @mknauss

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Dialing it in at about 60% with my current pump timing (running about 7hr a day overnight). Seems to be holding a nice 4.5-5.5 in this crazy Texas heat.
It needs to be producing during the day, to hold a particular FC level.

You are producing (X amount of FC) overnight and it drifts down all day like a liquid chlorine pool would. It likely drifts less than a LC pool would due to the higher CYA level, but it is definitely drifting.

If you are testing 5 FC at the end of the day, before producing tonight's FC, then it will work until the first hiccup. If you lose SWG production for one night, you'll be starting the next day with 5 FC, which isn't enough to get through and remain above minimum. Losing one production cycle isn't common, but can easily happen one to three times a season. That's 1 to 3 chances to be gifted a swamp.

If you are testing 5 FC in the morning, you are losing 3 to 4 ppm during the day, but putting it back before you test tomorrow, fooling you into thinking you had a constant 5 FC when you actually spent time at/below minimum. This is having a daily chance to be gifted a swamp this season.

Only producing at night requires some extra thoughts, hopefully this gets you thinking in the right direction. :)
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Makes a lot of sense @Newdude, I'll test tonight after sundown just to see what my FC loss is for a typical day. Thoughts on adjusting the SWG to target a morning reading of, say, 8 so I can drift down toward 4-5 before producing again overnight? I'd rather not run my equipment during the day if I can avoid it (full sun on equipment / heat, power demands, off peak times, yadda yadda)
I'll test tonight after sundown just to see what my FC loss is for a typical day.
That's the key right there. Get through the day, and have plenty leftover in case there was a hiccup.
Thoughts on adjusting the SWG to target a morning reading of, say, 8 so I can drift down toward 4-5
That's an absolute minimum, if you wish to stay above minimum this time of year. In the early/late season it will be plenty, but we are about to experience our most daily loss now, regardless of where we live.
I'd rather not run my equipment during the day if I can avoid it (full sun on equipment / heat, power demands, off peak times, yadda yadda)
It's 100% ok to run nighttime only, and for many good reasons. But it removes the 'keep up with the sun' aspect of the SWG from the equation. You need the "pre-treat' mentality of a jug lugger. But thank goodness you don't need to lug the jugs. :ROFLMAO:

So just ensure you are producing tomorrow's expected loss and some wiggle room each night.
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Now this is interesting, would love some feedback.
  • Tested at the end of the day to see my FC loss: 4.5 --> 2.5 so about 2
  • Turned the SWCG up from 60% --> 75% in order to target a higher starting point for the next day (was assuming I'd see around 6 with a 60k in a 17k pool, low pump speed though)
  • Added 1/2 gallon of MA as my PH has been slowly creeping up (not quite 8 color but getting closer and closer)
This morning my FC is 4.8 and my PH is 7.2 (from a real dark 7.8)...expected?
I am a little surprised I didn't see more of a jump in FC. Looks like I slightly overshot with my MA, maybe that had an effect?
Raising your FC with liquid then letting your SWCG maintain is the best practice.
Time is important now, getting behind has consequences. Relying on a 15% increase with your cell to make a big step up in FC during peak season is a mistake, my opinion. Do adjust your cell to stay up with or slightly ahead of rising demand now and soon decreasing demand in the early fall according to your test results.

Your last TA test was 60 ppm so your pH should be stabilizing with it now at 7.2. Don't worry to much as long as you are in the 7s, but keep testing pH when testing FC.
Your MA addition has no effect on your FC loss. More likely the loss is due to the number of people enjoying your nice pool, as they should.
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Thanks, I'll test again this evening and likely add a gallon of LC to get my FC up a bit (will also bump that PH slightly in the right direction too).
I agree with the statement mknauss says above about the rj60 and 2 lb/day at 100%. I am running 50% 24/7 and am holding steady.

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