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  1. Adamphotoman

    Opening maintainence

    I would like to move my sand filter and put it up on a drain pan. First it is too heavy to move so I will need to remove the sand. I am thinking a shop vac should work to remove the sand without damaging the laterals.
  2. Adamphotoman

    Safety Cover, leaves, and waterbags

    I noticed that leaves do get under the safety cover and I do have a bunch in the spring. We do get high winds and leaves are forced under the cover. Anyone use water bags as well to seal the edges better?
  3. Adamphotoman

    Thinking about closing soon before all the leaves fall

    Pool is 60°F. The night time low temp hit 39.2°F. Chemistry seems good. yesterdays test results: FC 7 CC 0 pH 7.6 CYA 40 TA 110 CA 200 BOR 50 Salt 675 Phos 235 I have a Regal Ultra 60 which is a version of Polyquat 60 And here is the 14 day forecast.
  4. Adamphotoman

    Salt for feel in a manual dosed pool

    I was going to experiment by adding 1000ppm salt to my non SWG pool. Went to the pool store to get a salt reading. They say it is already 661 ppm Salt.... Using Web based Pool Math my CSI is -0.03. Do I add 15$ worth of salt or just leave it alone. PH 7.6 / TA 110 / CH / 220 / CL 6 / Borates 50...
  5. Adamphotoman

    Pentair Superflow VS

    Pump started making noise. First noticed it on low speeds. Now at 2700 rpm too.. Almost sounds like some thing is in the blades.
  6. Adamphotoman

    How pink is pink when reading CC

    Sometimes the DPD reagent #3 gives a very slight pink. Other times it is more pronounced but regardless 1 drop of R-0871 always clears it up. Obviously there is less CC or more CC but always 1 drop.
  7. Adamphotoman

    Pentair VS Superflo

    I currently run the pump @ 2700 from 9:am to 12 noon. Then drop it down to 1500 for the next 9 hours. The last 12 it runs @ 1300 until 9 in the morning. Except for when the filter is freshly backwashed, the heater won't come on @ 1300. The morning is when I test and add liquid chlorine, so I...
  8. Adamphotoman

    For liner and equipment Warranty Water Balance

    For warranty I keep a gal of pool water with the Pool Stores recommended levels. That is the potion that I take to the store for them to test. That way I have a record [from the store]. The Pool Store is always amazed how consistent the test is. I do add a bit of this and that, but I keep it...
  9. Adamphotoman

    R 0014 not available in Canada

    I purchased a TF 100 test kit last year from through an American friend but with Covid-19 I thought I would try to get local replacements. The FAS DPD was easy but expensive. R 0014 is proving difficult. I first ended up with CR0004 which I returned. No one seems to be able to...
  10. Adamphotoman

    Pretty much balanced Okay to use Cal Hypo?

    My numbers are good as far as I can see. I started with CYA 26 so I used Triclor to raise my CYA to 40. Then I started with Cal Hypo and liquid Hypochlorite. I alternate depending if I feel like pre-disolving the granules. While I was using the pucks I kept needing Borax to raise my PH, but now...
  11. Adamphotoman

    Suction Leak

    I posted last year a suction leak. It seems worse now. I run a Pentair Superflo VS. I prime at 2700rpm. 9 am to12 I run at that speed then at 1500 for 9 hours. Then 1300 for 12. By the time the 1300 rpm is done the basket is only 1/2 full of water. Running 1500rpm there is a good inch of air...
  12. Adamphotoman

    Vinyl pool WITH Fiberglass Steps Recommended CH

    I have CH at 150 but notice a FG pool should be CH220. Its not all FG but the steps are. What is recommended?
  13. Adamphotoman

    Pool Stored

    Different stores all have different readings. I bet each stores spin lab is set up to sell their particular brand of chemical. I only use their readings once in a while for Borates, Phosphates and to double check CYA. It is hilarious. I have high borates according to one store, but the Biogard...
  14. Adamphotoman

    Slightly hazy then I Slammed

    My CYA is just over 30. I brought FC up to 11.5. The next day I turned off the chlorinator Two days later without adding any chlorine my FC is 9.5 CC is 0. My slam is over. I am only losing .5 CL a day. How long will it take to get to where we can swim, My target level for CL is 5-5.5.
  15. Adamphotoman

    Leak in Jandy AE2500T heat pump

    I posted under pumps and plumbing section. I found my leak. It is in a fitting on the Heat Pump itself. I did post pics there but no response, so I will try over here. The leak is on a sensor of some sort [I think maybe a flow sensor]. It is on the main T assembly just before the water temp...
  16. Adamphotoman

    Maybe a Leak?

    I have owned 2 pools for 4 and 3 years and never seen this. My level is going down faster than I think it should. 1 1/2 inches in 11 days. Solar cover on most of the time, but it is heated between 85°F and 89°F. Air temp has been between 44°F and 82°F. When I opened the water was just below...
  17. Adamphotoman

    Target Values

    I have ordered replacement DPD powder. OTO is not accurate[I know] but on opening I have added 10 litres of Hypochlorite 10.8% liquid - over 2 days. Pool is fairly clear, and I do have enough DPD for maybe 2 more tests. Our fill water is pretty good. 40 CH / 40 TA / PH 7.4 I had to remove about...
  18. Adamphotoman

    Testing before or after starting the pump.

    Atlantic Canada I peeked under the mesh safety cover and the pool is fairly clean. The water level is high, from rain and snow. About 12-14 inches up from where I left it upon closing. I thought I would get some preliminar.y ballpark readings to see how the chemistry faired. I took a sample from...
  19. Adamphotoman


    I closed 8 days ago. 2019-10-10 TFP TF-100 50° F PH 7.4 Test 11:45am FC 14 TC 14.5 CC .5 CYA 50 PH...
  20. Adamphotoman

    Pool Water syphons out of sand filter

    We had quite a thunder and lightning storm last night so I turned off my pump, closed the suction side ball valves, and then unplugged the pump [insurance for possible spiking power]. In the morning I noticed the pump basket had partly drained. I opened the pump lid and all the water...
  21. Adamphotoman

    TFTestKits Recommendations

    The laminated card that comes with the TF-100 recommends TA of 100-120 for manually chlorinated pools but else where on the forum I it was suggested not to add any more bicarb when I was at TA 90. The card also says CYA 40-50 for a manually chlorinated pool. I have also read CYA 30-50 is ideal...
  22. Adamphotoman

    PH keeps dropping

    Not sure what to do. Should I raise the TA. I am aiming for PH 7.5 Using Liquid 10.8% Sodium Hyperchlorite The pool has been covered for over a week as I am trying to trim the Solar Cover and put straps on it to reel it in. Todays readings FC 4 CC 4.1 [guess as it takes only 1 drop to clear a...
  23. Adamphotoman

    Problem reading CYA

    I am still adding CYA sticks. I know for accuracy you must wait 24 hours to read the test. I also know to warm up the pool water sample as 58° F water will give a false low reading. So I am doing a warm water bath to warm up my sample bottle. My problem is that it takes the whole sample...
  24. Adamphotoman

    opened 4 days ago still hazy

    I opened to a bit of a mess. Over the winter we had a flood - 9 inches of street water went into the backyard pool area over frozen ground. Anyway, after 2 days of my hosing off the robot maybe 8 to10 times, I could finally make out the liner colour and the bottom of the deep end. I did a...
  25. Adamphotoman

    If you have a robot do you need a hand vacuum?

    I have a Robot, but I do not have a hand vacuum. I know the robot takes longer to get everywhere that you want it to. The upside is that the sand filter does not get all clogged up especially at pool opening. Would you recommend the vacuum on a pole?
  26. Adamphotoman

    Suction Leak

    I am certain I have a small suction leak. I just fired up a new Pentair Superflo VS and I am getting air in the strainer basket. I tightened the drain plug for the suction side. Then I researched the Cam and Ramp type lid and gasket. I have lubed the gasket with Hayward Jack and I purchased...
  27. Adamphotoman

    New Pump Problem

    I just had a new Pentair SuperfloVS 1.5 H installed to replace a 1 H Hayward Super Pump single speed. At first I was excited with anticipation but now I am disappointed. I am having problems with the pump right out of the box…. I used Eagles Pool Service to install the Pentair Superflo VS...
  28. Adamphotoman

    Need new pump Pentair versus Zodiak variable speed

    Which should I be looking at?
  29. Adamphotoman

    A friend wants to build a pool in Cowichan Bay on Vancouver Island

    I lived in Cowichan Bay for 10 years before I moved to Atlantic Canada. I thought I would help Em get some better comparisons. I know different kinds of pools are better suited to different parts of North America. For instance vinyl may not be well suited to a super hot climate and fiberglass...
  30. Adamphotoman

    How tight should a safety cover be?

    This will be the 4th season for my safety cover. The previous owner used it twice. How tight should the cover be stretched? We get a lot of rain and snow here, and even though I lowered the level below the returns, in under 3 weeks rain has already covered them 5-6 inches of rain. It snowed...