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  1. W any good?

    Any of my fellow Canucks every use this company? They have a lot of the Taylor stuff, some is cheaper then Amazon, others seem more expensive. As I am planning my regular order of stuff, wondering if they are reputable or not......
  2. W

    It's Alive

    Well the season is underway, a couple of days ago, the cover came off, yesterday we got the water filled to the brim, today I got the pump running. Checked the chems, FC=.5, CYA=0, PH=7.0, TA=150. Hmm, there is a 7kg bucket of "Sanitizer" I know that is roughly 50-50 CL and CYA, dumped a...
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    Assessing the end of the first TFP year

    Last year a pool company did the pool, the cost was $1500, and the pool was often not that clear, you could see the bottom, but a little hazy. This year was TFP, the cost was $300, $250 for the kit (it's expensive up here in Canada) and $50- for chlorine, and the water is as clear as can be...
  4. W

    does anyone actually LIKE doing a manual vacuum of their pool....

    Does anyone else actually like the process of vacuuming the pool, I mean it's an hour or so, you can relax turn your brain off, and just move the pole with the head on it back and forth, with a nice clean pool as a result.....
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    Does Muriatic acid lose potency over time? There is a jug in the garage that has been there at least 3 years, just wondering if I should use it, or whether I should get some fresh when I fill my chlorine jugs.????
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    Suction Side Leak... Resolved

    This is how I found and patched my suction side leak.... We rent our home, and upon startup this year, found air getting into the pool plumbing. Bubbles on the output. , and due to COVID-19 and not really wanting the pool guy inside the house, I decided to see if I could do at least a temporary...
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    Testing debate!

    Okay, better to test in the morning and add chlorine before anyone tries swimming, or test in the evening, add the chlorine, so it has the night to work, before the sun gets a chance to burn it off.? I'm thinking evening, anyone else agree, or disagree?
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    Just a word of warning,

    with all this virus stuff, some things we count on, may have problems.... Ordered my test kit this morning, Amazon stated that dekivery will be sometime between May 19th and June 3rd...... Before those in the US start about TFTest Kits, they do not ship to Canada....
  9. W

    Best Place in Canada for Taylor K2006C

    What's the best place in Canada to get a Taylor K2006C, since we can't get the TF-100 up here... Looked on Amazon, $145 + $70 for shipping is a bit more then I want to spend.... Back story, last year the landlord, in exchange for a small rent increase, asked us the pay the weekly pool...
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    Anyone ever watch a show called Pool Kings....

    Anyone ever watch a show called Pool Kings.... I wonder how those high dollar pools get maintained? Probably a pool service. Would like to see what shade of green they are 4-5 years in....
  11. W

    Substitute for CR009

    We ran out of CR009 (Sulfuric Acid), can you substitute CR005(Acid Demand), and what is the drop ratio? This is a pool where it must be tested several times per day, while waiting for the CR009 to come in, we could use the CR005, seems to work, but I don't think the drop ratio is the same....
  12. W

    Now that Labour day is upon us....

    How many are packing it in for the winter, our pool is maybe 20C (68F) now, and with no heater, we are calling the season done, it's closing next week, until after the May two-four weekend next year. We got good use in July, I have not been in, in a couple of weeks..... The kid has, but even...
  13. W

    Idea for a T-shirt....

    Was thinking today: I'd rather be playing with my pool at a Humidex of +40C then playing with my snow shovel at a wind chill factor of -40C... You put a picture of a guy diving into the pool on the front, with the first half and some poor sod freezing his toes off with a snow shovel and an...
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    Starting with a SLAM???

    So, we can finally see the blue water bags at the edge of the ice block that is the pool. I expect in another month we will have open water.... So, this question is for the others that start off tis way, do you start with a SLAM?
  15. W

    Pool Company Opening

    Pool company opened the pool today, well they took the cover off, it's mud brown with a hint of green (the kid says it looks yech).... They added 60L of chlorine, and did NO testing and didn't scoop out the leaves and other detritus, just told the better half to add water until it's full then...
  16. W

    Dumb Question Number 1 099 511 627 776

    Okay, currently the pool is maintained by a maintenance company, the filter and pump are in the basement. The guys are creepy and the one house member who will be home, doesn't want them inside. I know how to do a backwash and rinse, so if they come at 10am, is it okay to put that off until...
  17. W

    Dropping TA

    Okay, so part of my work is checking a 1200L spa, so I check TA, pH and Br and read a number of the auto-feeder that gives ORP.... So, every day we throw in enough Buffer to kick the TA from 50 to ~100. The next day TA is back around 50. I'm suspecting that the high TA causes the pH to go up...