Replacement laterals for Hayward SX244DA2X discontinued

Hi Folks!
This year I've finally decided that I will not attempt by myself to do a deep clean of my sand filter and instead hire someone to do it. After being told by 3 out of the 4 businesses I called that they are not taking on new customers, I found one who scheduled me in. The next day she called back to say that the part (see item number above - the laterals) they wanted to have on hand when they cleaned is not to be found anywhere, but if I could track it down, they would proceed (we are getting some sand back in the pool I believe).
I've now called at least 10 places along the eastern seaboard (including Canada) and either they won't ship stuff, or they don't have the part. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can track this part down or are we going to have to invest in a new sand filter?
Thanks for any ideas or suggestions anyone can contribute. I've been using TFP since we moved into our home in 2017 and I absolutely love the geekiness and thoroughness of the comments and insights here!
Hey *can't pronounce the fish username* !!!!

What filter ya got ? Model #, part # and pics would go a long way to help. :)
Here is one possible source...

And another - with full parts breakdown...
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Shows to be in stock. Call them to confirm it is the correct parts.
Thanks for all the quick replies - I guess I should've emphasized that this part is unusual in that the part number is SX244DA2X It's the 2X that makes this part so difficult to find. I see lots of SX244DAs out there, but I'm told the 2X portion indicates that the pipe diameters are 2" - all the others are 1.5"
I would call Inyo. I suspect you might be able to use an adapter to still use the laterals listed. If not, and they are discontinued, they should be able to help with a solution.
If that's the only difference, the laterals themselves are probably the same.
Contact InyoPools and ask them. They have always been helpful in the past.
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Agree JamesW, but that part number is shown as discontinued. Question is if something can be used in its place. Or just the laterals replaced.

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I guess it will probably come down to if you need the entire lateral assembly or just the lateral fingers.
Do you need the entire folding lateral assembly or just the folding bits on the end of it? I would take off the top of your filter and double check the size of the center pipe too.

If the center pipe is damaged, does it match up in size to common PVC pipe? It might be able to be repaired. It might be the same size as pvc cental vac piping (2-inch Outside Diameter Thin Wall PVC Central Vacuum Tubing in 4-ft Lengths)

Can you swap out your multiport and lateral assembly to a 1.5" one (the tank is the only pricey part). Should be able to if the tank is the same part number.
we are getting some sand back in the pool I believe
Are you sure that you are getting sand?

If no sand, I would leave it alone.

I'm not a big believer in "Deep Cleaning" in any case.

If your backwash flow is good, the sand rarely needs a deep clean.

For a deep clean, you don't need to disturb the laterals.

If you're going to go through the trouble of removing all of the sand, replacing the laterals and then readding sand, I would just replace the whole thing.
Actually, they said that it did work.

It's pushed in from the bottom of the standpipe, as if some massive pressure popped it out. I've never seen higher than 10-12 psi on the filter gauge. I still haven't heard from Hayward. Doheny's sent a generic reply to my email today with information on returns, and adding that there is a 20% restocking fee on used equipment. I can't tell if the email came from a real person. I don't plan to return a filter and 300 pounds of sand.

Meanwhile, I found and ordered a Hayward lateral assembly on Amazon that said it fit my filter, SX244DA. I ordered it before I saw James' post showing the correct part number. The lateral arrived and had a smaller diameter, but slightly longer, standpipe. Instead of the standpipe fitting outside the nipple on the valve head, it fit perfectly inside. I went ahead and installed it. $95 later, the filter seems to be working fine with this lateral assembly. Interestingly, the new lateral assembly has the same number on the bottom, S202-EN. Is that the part number for just the lower part of the lateral assembly?

Next, I had to figure out how to get all of that sand out of the bottom of the pool.
I love this place!
So here is what I know- I have been afraid to take the thing apart, but I suspect it it low on sand - that is why I was going to hire a company here to do it. We've lived here with the pool for 5 seasons and I haven't done any maintenance on it except winterizing it.
Reasons I suspect sand loss:
1) Every morning, when the filter had run all night, there is debris that gets caught on the vinyl seams. I figured it was just regular pool gunk, but if I don't run the filter overnight there is no dirt on the floor of the pool.
2) It has been taking forever (over 2 weeks to clear the pool while SLAMMING). I've added DE, watched the pressure rise 10 psi over 24 hours, maybe seen a bit of clearing...and perhaps this is my first confusion - how high can I let the pressure climb? I figured the pressure gauge has more precision than accuracy, so when it starts at 9, and climbs to 20 I backwash it, let it run a little and do the DE all over that the right approach or could I have the pressure go higher?

The company that agreed to do maintenance wanted to have the entire assembly available in case they were cracked or they crack upon cleaning - that seemed reasonable to me since I know the sand filter is at least 6 years old. I did ask the company if they could "McGyver" the assembly and they told me that they had tried to with another customer's hayward but it failed in the end and they had to get an entirely new filter. I did wonder if I could swap out the 2" interior parts with the 1.5". The company would have to add adapters to the existing piping (2" to 1.5") but I imagine it could be done.

The main question I have is how much should I spend tracking down this exact part and how much should I pay? I just found a company in Michigan that has the part for a mere $220 without shipping...sigh!

I was really hoping I could add some pool sand through the skimmer and maybe the problem would be temporarily solved, but I couldn't find any information on whether that was possible, so I did the DE addition instead.

I will also try INYO pools too!
Thanks all!

Do you need the entire folding lateral assembly or just the folding bits on the end of it? I would take off the top of your filter and double check the size of the center pipe too.

If the center pipe is damaged, does it match up in size to common PVC pipe? It might be able to be repaired. It might be the same size as pvc cental vac piping (2-inch Outside Diameter Thin Wall PVC Central Vacuum Tubing in 4-ft Lengths)

Can you swap out your multiport and lateral assembly to a 1.5" one (the tank is the only pricey part). Should be able to if the tank is the same part number.
Whatever you do - do NOT add sand thru the skimmer.

If sand is needed, it gets added directly to the filter. This would require opening the top of the filter and checking the sand level. If you don't plan on replacing all the sand (so you know you added the correct weight of dry sand), most sand filters level is 2/3 to 3/4 full.
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