Bathroom Usage Issues

I read that and said to my self ...geeze could they have used a more confusing word in Spanish! Is it right, is it straight, is it my legal right!...This is why I always got lost asking for directions when I was south of the boarder. And when I learned to speak Spanish I would wave my hands around while giving directions to others for clarification... sometimes it was easier to just tell them to go izquierda three or four times.

I think they should call it a Borracho! But then again, I think everything should be Borracho!
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* username checks out(y)

(Sorry that is NEVER gonna get old)

What about runner like rugs from the outside door to the bathroom?. They can even be only for company swimming days and taken out for the occasion. People will say 'oh thats a great idea so we don't soak the place' and not 'why did you put out tacky rugs'.

We use runner rugs. Works just fine for guests. Roll them up and put away.
Its not the fanciest but they sure do work for us. Nobody ever slowed down to notice. They were either racing to the bathroom or racing back.
Just a note for the OP - sam’s & walmart have mat very similar to the waterhogg but a little friendlier on the wallet - i have a big 3X5 from sam’s & it stops alot of the water.
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It was about $400 and worth every penny for the large parties. Not for the wet floors, but for the septic system. That’s a BIG whoopsie with a few dozen people over if it backs up. Definitely not what you want to be dealing with that day.
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Also, placement is kinda a darned if you do/don’t. You want it front and center so it’s in everybody’s mind not to go inside, but also a little out of the way to afford the folks a little discreetness.
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We just got our pool last fall and purchased 4 runners from Costco to have a path to the WC. This year the plan is to put a 5' vinyl fence around the pool equipment to hide it and store the garbage cans, with plans to have the boys to use it.


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Geez, just tell them that you got the urine detector dye for pools. Make sure they see you dump a 1/4 cup of salt in the pool for dramatic effect.

Also you could get an outdoor shower, even if it is just a portable contraption that hooks into the garden hose. You dont ask questions when they go take a shower in the middle of swimming, and nobody slips and falls inside... its a win-win.

Do they make this die or is it a myth?

Simple plant pot from Lowes, $20, fill with dirt, done. Not only does it save on the floor-slipping, but I believe (please, let me believe) that is saves on the pool-peeing, too. But it's turned out to not be a boy vs girl thing. They all use it, as my littlest is not to be outdone by her older brothers. I'm not sure how she manages it. Their friends like to use it, too. The older girls, I guess, decide for themselves where their own personal age cutoff is.

I have travertine inside and it is treacherous. I tell all the guests about the pee-pot, and about how slippery the floor is, so please be very careful. That's the extent of my effort in this dept. Runners would be a real pain, so while I think that is an excellent solution, I don't bother. Six years, no incidents. I'd estimate that 90% of the need is satisfied by the pot.
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I’ll say the unpopular thing, but a minor thing that may make you feel a tad bit better.

Urine is mostly water, and chlorine kills almost everything that’s not water. If somebody pee’s in the pool, it’s not the worst thing in the world. I wouldn’t promote this to the kids, but I personally wouldn’t spend a ton of money simply to avoid a kid pee’ing in the pool either. Drop in some extra chlorine, and don’t let on that you know it’s not that bad.

As for a urine test, that’s the ONLY thing I use the OTO test for, a few drops of the chlorine test and all the kids think there’s pee in the water. The yellow adds a nice touch 😂
Its kinda like Santa Clause. If they believe, it is real.
and this:
Your secret is safe with us!
We built a red cedar cabana that provides nice shade and has a full outdoor kitchen, bathroom and shower. The bathroom was sorta an afterthought that my wife pushed for. Turned out to be a great decision. It really adds a lot of value to the backyard pool area.
Not to hijack the thread, and if you don’t mind sharing, what did this run? Did you DIY or contract it out?
Simple plant pot from Lowes, $20, fill with dirt, done. Not only does it save on the floor-slipping, but I believe (please, let me believe) that is saves on the pool-peeing, too. But it's turned out to not be a boy vs girl thing. They all use it, as my littlest is not to be outdone by her older brothers. I'm not sure how she manages it. Their friends like to use it, too. The older girls, I guess, decide for themselves where their own personal age cutoff is.

I have travertine inside and it is treacherous. I tell all the guests about the pee-pot, and about how slippery the floor is, so please be very careful. That's the extent of my effort in this dept. Runners would be a real pain, so while I think that is an excellent solution, I don't bother. Six years, no incidents. I'd estimate that 90% of the need is satisfied by the pot.
So where do you put it? Behind a shed or something or, did you build a screen of some sort? Also, what’s the ground like on the way. Is it grass our do they end up having to spray off their feet when done. Just wonder about some of the other details.

Personally, I would have thought the pot was filled with pea gravel. :)
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Pot is in the side yard, private from the pool and backyard. I have a flagstone path that leads from the pool deck and patio to a concrete patio in the side yard. So no feet-wiping needed. The pot is on the edge of the patio.

Screen Shot 2021-03-07 at 12.38.11 PM.png Screen Shot 2021-03-07 at 12.31.24 PM.png

This is where the kids and their friends hang out when they want a reprieve from watchful parental eyes. In swim season I put out chairs and a table. They'll take their snacks and drinks and toys over there. Their own private space. A little segregation between the age groups for 30 minutes here and there works out for all of us.

The middle one is funny. He wants to stay connected to both groups, so he'll play with his Legos right where the flagstone turns the corner, so he can see everybody in both directions.

These are stills from my outdoor cams, so if I need to check on them I can.

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