Bone conduction headphones...


TFP Expert
Platinum Supporter
May 23, 2015
Tucson, AZ
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-60
Here's a little non-pool related product endorsement for the community - bone conduction headphones!

I just recently purchased a set of AfterShokz's Trekz Titanium and I have to say, I'm a HUGE fan. They were at this years CES17 (consumer electronics show) and I was fascinated by the idea. The technology is solid and the audio experience is really cool. As the title suggests, these headphones transmit sound to your cochlear through your skull (well, really through the temporal bone just above the tragus) instead of through the ear canal and tympanic membrane. The sound quality is excellent and it's really neat to be able to not only listen to music but also hear people speak to you. In fact, you can do both at the same time with these headphones.

My interest in these are not purely technological or gadget'y...I suffer from bilateral, mechanical hearing loss due to otosclerosis which was partially corrected with surgery on my right side but inoperable on my left. Therefore I'm functionally deaf in my left ear. However, with these headphones, I can hear balanced sound in both ears since my cochlear and auditory nerve are perfectly healthy and I've been able to listen to music and hear the world in stereo now which hasn't been the case for years! Truly a great way to use technology to help with disabilities!

A great way to exercise too as you don't have to give up situational awareness by having ear buds jammed into your ears...
I need to get me some of these! I have 40% hearing loss in my right ear and 15% in my left from untreated ear infections as a baby that cause major scarring :(



It's funny how much the human brain compensates for hearing loss. When I got out my stapedectomy procedure to fix the right ear, I was still groggy (it's actually an out-patient procedure) and I went right home to sleep. I woke up a few hours later and asked my wife why everyone was yelling so loudly in the house. She laughed and replied to me, "No Sweetie, everyone is just talking at normal volume..." My brain had turned up the gain on my biological amplifier so high that normal speaking voices were booming loud. I remember for days after the procedure I could not sit in a car and drive because the low frequency noise of the tires on the pavement was just overwhelming. It took a solid week or two for my brain to readjust. Sadly, the left side could not be fixed...

Definitely give them try if you get the chance...they are really neat...
Sounds like something I need! What's the price point?

The highest end model (wireless Bluetooth) is ~$129.95 (+ tax but free shipping) and they come with a 2-year warranty. There are wired models as well that are less expensive. You can order them direct from AfterShokz or through Amazon. I decided to order them through Amazon so that I could use Amazon Smile and have a portion of the sale price donated to TFP.
I use noise cancelling ones to keep wifey outta my ears!

It's funny you mention that. ENT docs will tell you that when they see male patients suffering from otosclerosis it is almost always diagnosed by their wives first because they think their husbands are ignoring them....most men of course will tell you that otosclerosis is just a naturally occurring evolutionary consequence of being married :laughblue:

and of course, when the doctor consents you for the repair surgery, they usually asks the men twice if they really want to have the condition fixed....
That's incredible! thanks for Sharing Matt.

I wonder if these could be made water proof and work while swimming laps.

Based on the current way the headphones sit on your head, it definitely would not stay on. Also, the unit is not water sealed so they'd have to re-engineer that as well. But, the nice part is if your skin develops sweat between it and the transducer, it only makes the transducer work better because the sweat acts as a coupling layer similar to how they squeeze gel between your abdomen and an ultrasound transducer. So I don't think water would be an issue.

It is a very cool piece of tech and even at high volume my wife can't hear it when I wear it. There are also apps for the iPhone that would allow you to use the unit as a personal listening device, aka spy-microphone.... :suspect:

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