What do you use for a vac plate?

Jul 16, 2017
Murrieta, CA
My home came with a pool and the pool came with a vacuum plate in the skimmer. It's a Pentair Vac-Mate, which allows me to keep the automatic pool vac hooked up all of the time and also allows me to adjust how much of the vacuum is directed at the pool vac and how much is directed at the skimmer. But kind of like a "jack of all trades and master of none", I get a pool vac that is wishing for more vacuum and a skimmer that isn't doing much of a job at skimming.

I see that Hayward has a W590R "Automatic Skimmer Vacuum Plate" that claims to toggle the vacuum between skimmer and pool vac each time the pump starts. I have no idea if this would fit in my skimmer or not, and it isn't clear if it would provide a leaf-catcher basket the way my current Pentaiir system does, but I like the concept that it provides full vacuum to either the pool vac or the skimmer, rather than trying to give each a small portion of what's available for vacuum, and it would be easy enough for me to program the pump to stop and start twice a day instead of once so that both could run for a few hours at full vacuum, rather both running for the duration with less than optimal vacuum. Just curious to know if anyone has experience with the Hayward W590R (or similar) and what their thoughts might be, or if there's something even better that I should be thinking about?

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