What did you do to your pool today?

Today I drained 3 inches to get it below the skimmer - for the THIRD time in the past 8 days, due to nonstop rain. Ugh!! Spent 45 minutes vacuuming all the dirt out from the storms and then the kids got in to play for a bit, til the mosquitos took over.

Today I drained 3 inches to get it below the skimmer - for the THIRD time in the past 8 days, due to nonstop rain. Ugh!! Spent 45 minutes vacuuming all the dirt out from the storms and then the kids got in to play for a bit, til the mosquitos took over.


I don't know what's worse, mosquitos or black flies. Since the black flies seem to get me more than mosquitoes, at least at the pool, I'd have to vote for them. There are many creatures on this planet that seem to have nothing to contribute, and those two are at the top of my list.

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I saw a post on fb last year for a fly trap I'm gonna have to build. Basically like a little saw horse with a black plastic water trough. It has two pieces of acrylic mounted above it. The flies sense the heat, fly toward it, smack into the acrylic, and fall down into the water and drown.
Had family staying with me for over a week. Everyone enjoyed the pool/yard, fun times for all. Ran a full set of chems, topped off pool, cleaned MORE poop bombs (do they EVER stop!?!), put the deck back together, and am working on cleaning cement drill dust off parts of the deck from termite treatment.
Added MA to lower pH and TA, now aerating with the scuppers. Probably going to jump in!
Cleaned more poop bombs

I know it can be a pain to to clean up after visitors, but I'm sure if you let the family use the indoor plumbing they'll leave the pool alone! (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)
Yesterday, dog executed a baby rabbit in the yard. A few frowns from my youngest.

Today, pulled a dead baby rabbit out of the pool over lunch time. Actually the kids fished it out with the leaf rake. No tears. They must have heard me using choice words about rabbit holes in the yard...

Had the solar cover on since I opened in May, and we've probably had 10 sunny days since then.? Water is 70 and not climbing...yet!

But I vacced, tested, added bleach, some MA, and a little stabilizer in a sock cuz we're still a little low.

Side note: I don't test CH much since it's vinyl, but did today and it's only 100. Does that matter much? Should I switch to Cal Hypo for a bit just to get that up?

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