Sand Filter - First time opening pool

May 30, 2017
Spokane, WA
Hey there,

It's our first time attempting to open our pool by ourselves. I read through the How to Open Your Pool article, but we're stuck at the part where it says you might have to open your sand filter and add new sand if needed. I have no clue how to do this? Also, not sure if this has ever been done by the pool guy we've been using the past few years. Also, there are mentions of plugs. Where are these plugs? Can you tell we're new at this?!

You should not have to open the sand filter until you see if there is a problem.

There would be plugs in the skimmer, the return lines, also the drain plugs most likely are out of the filter, the pump (2), and heat pump.

Let me ask @ajw22 as he actually winterizes pools and I do not!

How do you test the water chemistry?
We use the Taylor Technologies test kit that is recommended - haven't tested the water yet or pulled the cover off to see what we're dealing with. I will do that this afternoon. Guessing it's going to be green because our former pool guy wasn't really the best at prepping us for the winter. We typically have a battle every spring.

Also, we noticed a slight leak from our filter seal last year and some bubbles coming from our vents - is this the type of thing two relatively handy people would be able to fix themselves or do we need a professional?
The filter seal may just need some pool lube or may need a new gasket. Take pictures of it when you get it up and running.

Bubbles (from the returns?) is due to a suction side air leak. That is nearly always a gasket on the pump lid that needs lubricating.

If you do not have any, get some Pool Lube. Best is silicone, non-PTFE. Some Home Depot or Lowes have it. Or you can order via Amazon.
I have a DE filter but sand should not be lost during winterization. So if you had enough sand when you closed the pool it should be good.

And if you opened the sand filter and looked at the sand how would you know if it needed more? If this is the manual for your filter you fill sand by volume on page 4. There is no specific level to check.

If the filter is working fine I see no reason to open it until you have a problem.
Also, not sure if this has ever been done by the pool guy we've been using the past few years.
Because it apparently hasn't been done in a long time, I think it would be a good idea to open the filter and deep clean it. There is an article in Pool School to help you.
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