Recurring algae dust battle


New member
Jun 29, 2023
Hi, long time lurker on the board, first time poster. So much helpful info on this board that I’ve used over the last few years. I’m having a new algae issue I’ve never had before and I’m really struggling with it.

Background: 18x36 unground pool here in Ohio. Hayward EC75A DE filter. I had to go out of town for a week and had to leave my pump off while gone so the water obviously got a little green. Shocked it 2 days ago and the water is crystal clear minus this green dust like material on the bottom. I’ve been vacuuming it up with my catfish blaster with paper towels wrapped on the filter to catch it (picture attached). Yesterday I vacuumed all day and while I realize that the dust shifts around, it looked pretty good. I’m attaching pictures from this morning and it just seems to keep growing. Chlorine levels are good, I’m just completely lost.
You have algae because your free chlorine level is too low.

How are you testing and what are the latest results?
Took the water to be tested. Chlorine level is obviously high (7.5 ppm) after trying to kill the algae. They had me add CYA to get to 30 ppm to be in the ideal range. I don’t know what else to do besides vacuum each time and continue brushing. It’s like a monster I can’t kill lol
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Anything special needed to kill mustard algae ?
First and foremost, a proper test kit
Test Kits Compared

This is an absolute must if you want to follow trouble-free pool care. Pool store testing is simply not reliable.

Once you have a test kit in hand, you follow the SLAM Process, which involves a lot of testing, a lot of chlorine, and a lot of brushing. People at this forum will guide you through this process. But the test kit is essential.
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