Questions about water monitoring

, it's getting plastered today
Wish I was. :cheers: But Monday. :ROFLMAO:

And Welcome to TFP !!!!
We purchased a Sutro to monitor de pool water. Any comments, suggestions or complaints about it?
Some members have them and found they are OK but not great. You need a reliable test kit to compare it against to know when it goes astray. See Test Kits Compared. The TFpro-salt bundles the $30 salt kit for only $20 more, which the K2006c doesn't have. It also comes with a $48 stirring device that the k-2006c doesn't, and you *really* want one because it makes testing not only much easier, but more consistent. The TFpro-salt is the hands down better value once you add the components missing from the K2006C.

Start your journey at the Pool Care Basics. We'll help every step of the way.

How about some pics to bring us up to speed with your setup ? Get the pool progress and the equipment pad. :)
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Wish I was. :cheers: But Monday. :ROFLMAO:

And Welcome to TFP !!!!

Some members have them and found they are OK but not great. You need a reliable test kit to compare it against to know when it goes astray. See Test Kits Compared. The TFpro-salt bundles the $30 salt kit for only $20 more, which the K2006c doesn't have. It also comes with a $48 stirring device that the k-2006c doesn't, and you *really* want one because it makes testing not only much easier, but more consistent. The TFpro-salt is the hands down better value once you add the components missing from the K2006C.

Start your journey at the Pool Care Basics. We'll help every step of the way.

How about some pics to bring us up to speed with your setup ? Get the pool progress and the equipment pad. :)
Thanks for the suggestion, I will check it out. I have heard so many things about Sutro, mostly good reviews. Let's see if it delivers what it promises. :)
I have heard so many things about Sutro, mostly good reviews.

That is because most reviews are by people that follow pool store advice and have no clue what their chemical levels should look like. :mrgreen:

You can use the TFP pool care process, or pool store advice, but you can't really mix the two methods.


Jim R.
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That is because most reviews are by people that follow pool store advice and have no clue what their chemical levels should look like. :mrgreen:

You can use the TFP pool care process, or pool store advice, but you can't really mix the two methods.


Jim R.
Got it. I believe these reviews are a somewhat skewed but I'm keeping it since I'm already outside of the allowable return period.
but I'm keeping it since I'm already outside of the allowable return period.

There is no reason not to try it, but you should have the ability to compare it to the gold standard of a 2006C or the TF-Pro.

Otherwise it is just about the same as going to the pool store for testing and 'assuming' they are always right. :mrgreen:


Jim R.
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So the our plaster got done yesterday (white traditional plaster). I was expecting the pool water to be clear light blue but it has a light emerald tone instead. I know there is still a lot of dust form the plaster but the green color disappointed me. Any clues on why and if it will change after the start up kit is in (it will be done tomorrow morning)?
Could be iron. Could be algae. Where did the fill water come from? Do you know your chem levels from a reputable test kit? :)

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OK, great!

I would suggest checking out our style of pool maintenance. It's a little more effort than the typical way pools are managed, but we're talking a few minutes a day sort of thing, so long as there are no problems to resolve. And you will find it much less expensive and have a lot more peace of mind that your pool is safe and clean. :)
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It's a little more effort than the typical way pools are managed,
I would hesitate to say this.

Typical way pool is managed (assuming you have already driven to the pool store to get the 'free' sample bottle)
- get pool store sample bottle
- walk into back yard, take water sample
- set pool water sample on counter to remember to take it when I go out to run errands
- leave to run errands
- realize I have left pool water sample sitting on counter after I'm too far out where it makes sense to turn around and get it
- finish running errands
- now it is too late to make it home in time to get the pool water sample and get back to the pool store before they close
- have to wait until tomorrow to get water test results for what my chemistry is today so I can make adjustments so that I don't run into any issues.
Next Day
- Wake up and go through morning routine.
- wait for the pool store to open
- make a dedicated trip to the pool store to get my water tested
- pool store employee puts my water in the test machine, without rinsing the sample container from the previous persons sample.
- runs water quality tests on fancy machine
- fancy machine says my water has X issues (doesn't really know because of the co-mingled water sample, or incorrect calibration, or incorrect usage)
- pool store employee sells me $$$$$ worth of chemicals to treat an issue I presumably have from yesterday (since it is still yesterday's water sample I took in, and not today's)
- return home and spend my day adding pool store magic potions to adjust the possible issues (phosphates most likely) that the pool store testing said I might have.
- Question about the chemicals I bought or how to use them, or what I'm doing? Call the store, and if I'm lucky someone answers and actually knows how to answer my question, or if not, they give me an answer to make me go away because I'm not in the store about to buy something.

Rinse and repeat on a weekly basis, if I'm good about it. Otherwise it might be bi-monthly or monthly. And wonder why I'm always fighting algae after it rains or I have swimmers in the pool. (Hmmm... Is there a correlation between rain and algae? - short answer, no)

Or TFP method of pool maintenance
- get out test kit
- walk out to back yard, take water sample
- spend 10 minutes running a full suite of tests, that provide me with accurate, repeatable results that I can trust
- take those results, compare them with the ranges of values that I should have, that I learned in pool school and are listed in poolmath.
- adjust chemicals accordingly to bring those results within range. Chemicals needed - chlorine (liquid or SWCG), muriatic acid, and stabilizer (sometimes maybe baking soda or calcium chloride) most of which are found at walmart or the hardware store.
- if I have a question I have a community of 300k+ members who use the same methods I do, that all have crystal clear pools, that are ready and willing to assist me with anything I might not understand with my pool. And they will work exceedingly hard to make sure I have an understanding of it. They aren't just trying to sell me something and get me out the door or off the phone.

Spend the rest of the weekend doing what I want because my pool practically takes care of itself because I spend the necessary 5-10 minutes every few days testing and adjusting. And always know and understand why something is off with my pool because I am properly maintaining it and keeping it in tip top shape. And if something happens and life gets in the way and something does get wonky, I know how to fix it.

I say the first part of that in jest, but seriously though, @hmedbery - Check out the pool school tab on the left side of the page, and read about our methods. It is dirt simple and it gives you great peace of mind knowing how to care for your pool, and not rely on others who are not invested in your pool to care for it. I bought in before my pool was filled and I can tell you I spend on average, less than 30 minutes a week taking care of my pool.

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