Question: How to balance RPM, volume and turnover

Pirate Roberts

Bronze Supporter
Apr 30, 2020
Central Texas
Pool Size
An offshoot of my previous post, I thought things were fine running a Jandy 2.75 VSP at 1800RPM for 8-9 hours overnight to reduce evaporation during the day. It all started grand, nice and quiet barely a whirr from the morot but I noticed the Salt Chlorinator on the return was only 3/4 full with air on the top which seemed odd since there no hissing all the joints seem tight, no leaks but is it right for me to assume the cell should be completely immersed in water when generating chlorine? BTW all the plumbing is well below the level of the pool so priming is not an issue.

So is the answer increasing the pump speed (RPM's) or should I be looking for a clog in the lines? D/E filter was just cleaned top to bottom. Its taking a long time for the pool to clear the algae and turbidity. Any thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks
I took a look at your pool log & it looks as though you’ve added enough cya to reach 104 ppm to your pool .( It takes several days to get an accurate cya reading after additions.)
That would put your minimum fc needs well over 8ppm to maintain a sanitized pool which u are not achieving thus allowing algae to flourish. If this is true You need to do a partial water exchange to get that cya down to 60 or 70 & start the SLAM Process with liquid chlorine to get rid of the algae. A Swg is not designed to do anything but maintain a reasonable daily chlorine demand .
Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot & other hardware stores generally carry %10 liquid chlorine in the pool section - also many pool stores have %12 in carboys with a deposit
Well it all ended up being a fool’s errand. The low ph combined with sun burned the chlorine off quickly. Should have read ALL the instructions first ?. Raised ph, then shocked with 73% and overnight things were under control. mknauss was right, SWChlorinator is not powerful to overcome zero FC.

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Is your cya still above 100? If so the green will return. Fc of 5 is not enough to adequately sanitze @ over 100 cya see the FC/CYA Levels.
The SLAM Process will eradicate algae if done properly.
When you’re ready to let go of the pool store methods & take control of your pool’s testing / chemicals we’ll be happy to help.
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