Pool Still Green After Shocking


New member
May 16, 2022
Memphis, TN
Hi everyone,

I'm new to owning a pool and feel like I'm failing quickly :) Here is the current situation. Pool turned green pretty fast. Shocked/brushed it and it seemed to get better, then quickly got green again. Pool store guy says it doesn't need shocking again and to add "Metal Free." I added that and it got more green. Any help anyone could give would be appreciated. Here are the details:

25,000 gallon concrete
TC: 14.46
FC: 14.46
PH: 7.8
Alkalinity: 64
Hardness: 161
CYA: 113
Copper: .3
Phosphates: 407
TDS: 300

Thanks in advance. Would love to swim more than one day in a row :)

Welcome to the forum!
You will find TFPC is quite a bit different than pool store methods.
You need to follow the SLAM Process. To do that, you need a proper test kit. I suggest the TF-100 or Taylor K2006C. A proper test kit is needed to get the accurate water chemistry results needed to follow the TFP protocols.

While you are waiting on your test kit, add 5 ppm FC worth of liquid chlorine / plain bleach to your pool each evening with the pump running. This will replenish the FC lost each day to the sun and also inhibit any algae in the water from growing further.
I suggest you read through Pool School - Trouble Free Pool and even look at a few of our videos TFP-TV - Trouble Free Pool
Welcome to TFP!

I'll just throw in that the pool store is steering you the wrong way. What you described sounds exactly like a major algae problem. The dose of chlorine helped temporarily, but then it got used up and the algae recovered. That is why we follow the SLAM Process which keeps the chlorine at an appropriate level long enough to completely wipe out the algae.

Unfortunately pool store testing is notoriously unreliable and you need more accurate data so we can help guide you in the right direction. Marty's reply to you have that information, I hope you check it out. (y)
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You are likely in need of a large water exchange if their cya results are anywhere near right.
However, to know for sure how much water to exchange you must have an accurate cya test from one of the kits mentioned above or you are flying blind which will waste water,chemicals, time & $$. The cya tests at the pool store are notoriously inaccurate.
Here’s some more info about safe ways to replace your water & what is involved so u can be ready to act once you are armed with your test kit.
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