NodeJS PoolController setup


New member
Jul 11, 2020
Stony Mountain
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-9)
Good afternoon,

Hopefully this is the right place for this question.

I installed the nodejs pool controller on a virtual instance of Linux mint. I have home assistant running virtually as well.

I have an Aqua-rite t9 chlorinator. I installed the elfin ee11 inside the enclosure of the aquarite. I have successful communication with Homeassistant to the aquarite as far as reading salt level etc. Homeassistant can also control the aqua-rite and read settings.

What I am having trouble achieving is reading the current pool temperature from the Hayward Aqua-rite. I was hoping to use the aqua-rite temp sensor to report it’s temp to the nodejs pool

If someone could please point me in the right direction. I’m assuming there is probably a configuration file that I have to change to query the temperature from the aqua-rite.

Thank you,

Welcome to TFP.

@rstrouse can tell you if you can access the Aquarite cell temperature. I don't think you can.