New House/Pool


Silver Supporter
May 30, 2012
Austin, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Edge-40
Been living in paradise for about a month now. Never thought I'd buy a house with a pool, the pool was a "perk"... now I wish I had a pool many years back when the kids were small... oh well, now the grand-kids enjoy, and certainly grandpa and grandma love it! And even the critters:


And my Kreepy Krauly:
Nice pool and a really nice view. I too wish I would have bought a house with a pool years ago. We have had our new house a year and half now and we are outside in the pool nightly. Fortunately my kids are still young and will have several years before they start going to college.
tcat - just curious; what are you using for the "cover" over you pool? I have horrible heat and sun bearing down on the back of my house and pool. My umbrellas just aren't enough. I would be interested in doing that same thing if you can give me some info on it. ... 00_s00_i00

This brand seems well made. Water "flows" through it so it doesn't get weighted down much. You need real strong mounting points. I have 2 on the house, one to a large oak, and one to a metal extrusion that wasn't strong enough (it bent during a high wind), will be strengthening it soon. THis with my large oaks keeps pool shaded 80% of the day... water has not gone above 84 yet (Austin, TX!), hasn't been below 80.

h2ctpdjl said:
tcat - just curious; what are you using for the "cover" over you pool? I have horrible heat and sun bearing down on the back of my house and pool. My umbrellas just aren't enough. I would be interested in doing that same thing if you can give me some info on it.
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