New Build in NE FL

Checking out how big the hole is

Toby joined us

Under part of the cave in, looking at the different layers. You can really smell the clay down inside the hole. Smells like a pottery room lol
Day 3. The Morale was a little better and then the main water line to the house got broken and poured water in the hole. Dealing with yet more cave ins that are getting worse and worse. At this rate i hope we are ready for inspector Monday. 1 step fwd 2 steps back.
They are watching the house cave in closely. Its ok for now. The Waterline luckily we have a well and septic here so its nothing crazy like a main water line from city. Its just a 1 inch pvc that feeds the house from the pumpshed. I shut the water off and they coupled it back together and its good now. Their last dig was very hard on them too. They had it all rebarred and ready to shoot but when they were starting to leave something shifted and caved and they had to start over. That must be disheartening.

- - - Updated - - -

I finally came inside because its just painful to watch.
OH my! Poor things! Two hard digs in a row :(

Are you feeding them? At least cookies and Pepsi! LOL

Ahhhhhhhh good about the water line NOT being a big city one AND you knew right where the shut off was AND it worked! I worked at a day care and they had NO idea where the shut off was. Of course I found that out AFTER a sink fell off the wall :shock: break the pipe and water came POURING out! We had to get all of the kids out and fast as it was flooding the whole center! I quit as that was the straw that broke the camel's back. They closed down within a month after that.


I have offered them water and chips but no one has taken me up on it yet. We have a mom and pop BBQ place half a mile up the road that is delicious so they have been taking advantage of the job site location and going there to eat every day. Radar was showing heavy rain but thankfully as it crossed the river, it broke up and we barely got any sprinkles. They are back at it now.
I thought about you when I saw what our weather COULD have been until it got pushed up by the Gulf winds.

Yummmmmmmmm on the mom and pop place! That is the best and it is right up the road?? SWEET!

Keep the water out there just in case they need/want it. Sure do not want them falling out!


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These guys are working hard and it's starting to look like a pool. They have the osb up and have "ghost frames" up to reshape the top forms. Should have the rest up tomorrow along with the rebar. Inspection is still Monday. They will have to shoot the footer for the screen after they back fill and prep the ground.

Pics this evening as they finished up.



The far wall with the cave in

WOW! That is some cave in!

What will they be backfilling with? AND please tell me they will wait a little while for it all to settle before they put anything on top of it. I would hate to see a pretty patio poured only for it to "sink" as the back fill settles.

They will back fill with the dirt they dug out. They said they add a little dirt and then it gets watered to make sure it is compacted down and settles.

House is fine. The cave ins were up to the edge but not under. They reinforced everything with wood and gravel and it is ok.

I want to talk to the PB about these roots that are holding up the back wall right now. I knew there was a tree that used to be between the two oaks that are there now and it died and we had to remove it like 9 or 10 years ago. These roots we are seeing look to be coming from straight behind where the roots are and not to the sides where either existing tree currently is. If these are roots to the old, removed tree, then these roots need to be removed to prevent future settling and other issues.
Good to hear! It really sounds like they have it covered! (the one time I don't way something will be the time I needed to so....)

Good point about the roots. We have a area we keep having to add dirt to as the roots from the tree that was cut down before we moved in 14 yrs ago rot and allows the area to settle.

Left to Monster Jam and came home to this. Almost ready! Have to finish the spa and little chair things for the rebar to sit on and sometime tomorrow the inspector will be here. Still scheduled to shoot Tuesday with shotcrete.

The guys said this was a tough job given the cave ins. He said about 1 in 100 pool digs he does has cave ins like this so our house was the lucky one. Thankfully its all under control and looking up!



Man they are working overtime for sure! WOW!

When will they be there to put in the things (something like dobbies???) the rebar sits on and finish the spa? What if they don't "beat" the inspector?

Here is hoping they do!!!

They will be here super early again. Since tomorrow is a holiday, PB has hired a private inspector so I assume that he has set up the time so the guys will be able to finish before he shows up. They still have a bit of work to do. They have been here from 8am to well past 5pm every day since Thursday.

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