Neighbor's pool green - asked for my help


Gold Supporter
Jul 15, 2012
East Hampton NY
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-15)
Green water. I went over and measured FC=0 CYA=0. She said her pool man put 5 gallons of liquid shock in pool earlier in the week. Sand filter is set to recirculate and leaking from top (and has no pressure gauge). Looks like 20,000 gallon pool. I said she needs a new pool company. But for now, I suggested she put in chlorine and do a SLAM. But does she need to add CYA ? Would getting CYA to 30 be helpful before SLAM? Also, i assume filter should be in filter mode and not recirculate.


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I bet it's in recirculate because of that missing pressure gauge. A new gauge is only $10. Is that all that's wrong with the filter? Better have a deeper look at it to know.
That is probably why the pool company left in recirculate. I bet filter already clogged. She has them coming back at 1 PM today. I told her to make sure they add stabilizer and not just liquid chlorine. Problem is that they dont like to get their hands dirty. I brought over my test kit today, but that's a one time shot...

Thanks for the feedback
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