
Gold Supporter
Nov 28, 2020
Melbourne, Australia
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Astral Viron eQuilibrium EQ25
Hi all. Hoping for some clarity (of my water too!) I recently completed a SLAM with no OCLT and crystal clear water. After only a week or so, FC was staying above 7 and then started to go cloudy again. Also noticed white crusty flakes in the pool. Quite a lot. I had a look on the SWG plates and couldn’t see any obvious build up blowing off.
Just tested water and TA has gone way higher than it’s ever been at 110.
So my question is, can the high TA be contributing to the cloudiness?
Is the cloudiness actually algae anyway so do I have to get back to SLAM?
Or is the cloudiness other stuff from the flakes that will go if I lower TA?
Other words. TA is high, SLAM only recently successfully completed but water cloudy and still no OCLT. Should I SLAM or just get the TA back down?
I think you can see my pool school data???
An elevated TA can contribute to the pH rising a bit faster, but is not the reason for cloudiness. When was the last time you deep cleaned the sand in your filter?
Funny I was thinking about that. I have actually never done a deep clean! The pressure never seems to rise much and when I backwash it runs clear after about 45 seconds. So I just backwash for 45 seconds or so.
Do you think I need to deep clean? Pool did turn green over January when I was away as forgot to turn on SWG!
So am I right in thinking that the cloudiness is actually algae and just other particles from the high TA?
Earlier you noted completing a SLAM which required passing the OCLT as well. But if your FC dropped again since then due to the SWG being off, then it's very possible the cloudiness is algae related. You can do another Overnight Chlorine Loss Test to confirm, but a SLAM Process may be required.
If you have never performed a sand deep clean, then you may wish to do so at some point. The link is below. Let's see if you pass the Overnight Chlorine Loss Test first so you know what you are dealing with - algae or just sand that needs some attention for better filtration.

Update. Last night brought FC up to around SLAM and this morning pool water is looking much better.
Another bit of info is I run my pump about 6 hours a day. Basically I run it to maintain FC and happily turn off if FC is maintained. I run it 9am - 3pm. Long enough? Or is it too long not running? Does it matter as long as retained FC ie in morning is ok?
So if the pool does clear up with this should I still be looking to deep clean the filter? Surprised I need to do this as the pool is only around 2 years old. Is something that should be done somewhat regularly?
Long enough?
Afraid not. Not for the SLAM Process to collect all the dead algae. Pump runs 24/7 until you pass all 3 SLAM criteria.

So if the pool does clear up with this should I still be looking to deep clean the filter?
Perhaps not. Not if the SLAM takes care of everything. At some point you probably will though. Since the filter is only 2 years old you might be able to wait another season or two. But you should read that article for future reference.
Earlier you noted completing a SLAM which required passing the OCLT as well. But if your FC dropped again since then due to the SWG being off, then it's very possible the cloudiness is algae related. You can do another Overnight Chlorine Loss Test to confirm, but a SLAM Process may be required.
No then SLAM was after I left the SWG and pool turned green. Since the SLAM the OCLT seems to have been fine.
No then SLAM was after I left the SWG and pool turned green. Since the SLAM the OCLT seems to have been fine.
In that case you might just have a filter issue. Not much longer in your swim season right? Maybe something to do (sand deep clean) when you shut down. In the meantime, you might still run one more Overnight Chlorine Loss Test just to be safe.
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No then SLAM was after I left the SWG and pool turned green. Since the SLAM the OCLT seems to have been fine.
Just to clarify. The pump run times is just the regular run times when pool is all balanced. Yes when doing SLAM, did run 24/7. So I think for now I head down SLAM path again which I suspect won’t take too long and AFTER that, get the TA back down. A good plan? Super helpful as always…always learning!

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In that case you might just have a filter issue. Not much longer in your swim season right? Maybe something to do (sand deep clean) when you shut down. In the meantime, you might still run one more Overnight Chlorine Loss Test just to be safe.
Yep. I think I’ll just SLAM since it’s clear now in the morning. What about regular pump run times? As long as FC is fine, does it matter much how much pump runs?
What about regular pump run times? As long as FC is fine, does it matter much how much pump runs?
Technically, if you are running a SLAM Process the pump should be running 24/7 until all 3 SLAM criteria have passed. That is to capture the dead organic matter. Once all 3 criteria have passed, then you can cut-back on pump run times as needed.
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